Feels great for a moment but...
It feels so amazing but a few seconds after finishing I end up feeling guilty and ashamed, I hate that I do this and really wanna stop but I just end up relapsing. I manage to actually go a month and two weeks without masturbating, I feel far more amazing and better about myself when I don't do it but my urges always get me... I wish I could stop for good :( I hate being this way
07/11/19 08:01AM
Due to not having well a gf, I suppose it's that simple pleasure for a bit before going on with my day. It's somewhat a stress relief, but if I'm honestly not paying attention I suppose I could go a few days without. I guess it's a reminder that I don't actually try to make a difference for myself to find someone. So yea... it's emotional too I suppose. lol
07/11/19 10:23AM
Honestly, to me it's the best possible stress relief, and even if I don't have that high a libido, it's exactly how I want to spend my time over doing nothing during summer. So stress relief and a great past time~.
07/11/19 11:37AM
I just do so to treat my headaches, it just gets rid of all the stress you'd have and the pleasure just helps you ignore that pain.
07/11/19 01:12PM
Mostly just pleasure inthe easiest way possible. I know what I want and when I want. Why would I go looking for someone who might not be able to get the job done.

Unless I'm looking to just be used, but that's a different story for a different question. lol
07/11/19 03:58PM
I normally wank for the pleasure and it help with stress.
07/12/19 07:46AM
Stress relief and to actually feel something other then depression or pain.I generally feel like shit after but hey doesn't feel as before I did it.
07/12/19 08:15AM
It's honestly something best done with a significant other. It's definitely a testament to your mutual bond, and to strengthen it further with flirtatious remarks, and whatever else you like. ESPECIALLY with a music bot on Discord. Be it when you're both horny over long distance, or something to do in person if you're still a bit prude about sex. Hell, it can even be another form of sex if it's with another person.
07/12/19 01:08PM
I'm a man and masturbation is like mass killing for me. Which I do with enthusiasm and no regrets.
07/13/19 07:33AM
Relieving tension for the day. Sort of a zen thing for me sometimes when things get too shitty in real life and you need something to release some tension.
07/22/19 06:54PM
A fun, sometimes invigorating activity when I have private time, and practically a nightly ritual at this point. Also a cure for boredom if there's nothing else I feel like doing.
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