10/08/23 07:04PM
I workout regularly and go to the gym, yes. I am a runner, cross country to be my specific. Currently run for my University, along with other local races on the side.
10/08/23 09:29PM
I train at home or at the gym multiple times a week and i used to go to fencing relatively often. Nowadays that kinda hard cause of time issues
10/08/23 09:34PM
congrats to everyone who goes to the gym regularly, it's really cool to see people taking care of themselves like that ^__^ man i really want to hit the gym at some point with my friends but i'm almost always overwhelmed by hw. we'd planned that we'd start going to the gym all together but we're all too busy with classes presentations etc.... guess i'll be stuck being chubby and not athletic forever. sigh.
10/08/23 09:53PM
girlygutz said:
congrats to everyone who goes to the gym regularly, it's really cool to see people taking care of themselves like that ^__^ man i really want to hit the gym at some point with my friends but i'm almost always overwhelmed by hw. we'd planned that we'd start going to the gym all together but we're all too busy with classes presentations etc.... guess i'll be stuck being chubby and not athletic forever. sigh.

You don't necessary need to hit the gym to start working out. There are lots of exercises that require only your own body and pretty much nothing else. Personaly, I started with only squats and pushups that I did after waking up every few days and even doing only these two things made a big difference after only a few weeks. So dw and just start small ^^
10/09/23 02:04AM
I go to the gym 3 times a week. Definitely noticed a positive change in my physical appearence and I recommend it to everyone.
10/09/23 02:11AM
Im both a nerd and also go to gym and training for boxing and MMA
10/09/23 04:02PM
I still gotta get myself motivated to do private exercises on my own. I haven't been to a gym and I've been in couple of sports as a kid, but nothing after that.
10/09/23 04:15PM
I go to the gym two times a week and do some weekly HEMA practise, also I run from time to time.
Would definetly recommend!
10/10/23 09:19AM
Yeah, I usually do weightlifting 3-4x weekly, along with low-impact cardio (usually brisk walks for 8K - 16K steps). I currently have my workouts set up in a PPL split routine, but I might change it to full-body routine to cover all muscle groups. If I'm feeling ill during one of the weeks, then I'd generally do calisthenics instead. On the downtime, I'd do either tennis or basketball or boxing, depending on my mood.
10/10/23 12:48PM
I started to work out two years ago, two or three times at week, and even if the first years i didn't make that much progress because of a shitty program. This last year however i really starting making progress and i now have a decent amount of muscles and strenght. I usually do two fullbody seance, but they are damn long and intense (three hours) so when i'll find a job i think that i'll hit the gym more often but with shorter seances.

Never been the kind to like or do sport before this, and i started with a few exercices at home, but now i love it !
10/10/23 12:52PM
I go to the gym 4 to 5 times a week
10/14/23 09:21AM
Pretty geeky myself and I go to 3 times a week. I try and go twice during the week, and once in the weekend to break it up. I have started to notice my body looking better. I'm starting to get a lean strong appearance which is nice ^^
10/15/23 04:46PM
In high school, I was on our Warhawks armed drill team.

I guess that counts. We marched and spun practice rifles that were 20lbs of solid iron. We didnt let them go and carried them in ways your arms were sore.

But at the end of the year I had some decent guns and some good calves. All the lunging and getting down on one knee, and high knee marching, really worked ny glutes out.
10/15/23 04:47PM
I went to the gym with my family members and it was alright I did sweat a lot lol
10/15/23 09:18PM
Push/Pull/Legs twice a week with cardio on the 7th day. Staying active keeps me happy, healthy, and horny :)
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