03/12/19 08:53PM
Earthbound/Mother series!
I've recently started playing EB and the Mother 3 translation patch, and I LOVE the series. I just wanted to ask if anybody's played the games and generally chat about them.
I'll start with a hot take: Kumatora x Lucas is much better than Kumatora x Duster. Discuss.
03/12/19 09:23PM
I've never heard of these games until now. Do tell us more
03/12/19 10:16PM
Takes a while to explain, so I'll do it in parts. This'll take a while
03/13/19 12:08AM
I've played the beginning of both Earthbound and Mother 3, but haven't really gotten very far in either. But from everything I've seen, they all seem like very charming games. I know Vinesauce has played Mother 3, so I think I'll probably watch him play more of that rather than play it myself. I already have had a ton of the games spoiled for me, so I don't know if I'll get the same reaction I'm supposed (Yes, I do know Mother 3's ending)

But I'm always curious to see what people have to say about the series as it's such a cute little oddity! And yes, Kumatora X Lucas is too cute to pass up. Check out some of Noill's art of those two, it's adorable (and sexy)!
03/13/19 02:22AM
cool thread!
so far I've only played mother 2 otherwise known as Earthboumd I freakin loved it did not expect me to like it that much Im planning on eventually playing earthbound beginnings
03/13/19 04:29AM
Earthbound: Ground Zero is one of my favorite games ever. I was so hyped for the Mother 4 fan created game. But it’s dead and no signs it’ll ever be released. Sonova bitch...

Idk how many times I played that game on emulator after the real SNES game. Same amount of time logged as I did FF7/9
03/14/19 11:52PM
@InvalidItem I have! I can't choose between them, they're both great.

Another take to add: Tessie from Mother 3 is the most underrated female character. There's ONE pic of her on the site.

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