10/05/18 11:14PM
*The girl looks up at the sky and back over to the two* "Thank you both again" *She says and begins walking off*
10/05/18 11:16PM
*I turn my back on the girl.*
10/06/18 09:06AM
*The girl suddenly stopped as she struggled to stand them fell on her eyes and coughed violently, she continued to cough until choking as black blood came out of her mouth then a sharp blade went straight between her eyes then collapsed. Ellyria took the blade out and threw it on the ground and smiled at the two before disappearing again.*
10/06/18 09:58AM
"Damn it! She got away!"
10/08/18 08:48AM
*Hel came back dragging a full deer by the antlers with his teeth and Arryn crawled over then looked over at Hel* "Is it dead?" *Hel nodded and sat down as she petted him then leaned over to the deer and stared at it before biting into its neck then lifted her head up with blood covering the bottom half of her face.*
10/09/18 10:29PM
*Elyse wandered through the woods and heard an animal cry then quickly rushed over seeing a wolf dragging a deer and followed it until seeing a girl sitting down and quietly watched*
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