02/24/18 03:50AM
Useful Addons, Scripts, Guides
I've collected quite a few addons and scripts that make the R34 experience better, some I couldn't imagine doing without, so I thought it would be good to compile them all into one place for anyone interested. Also you can ask questions about them or suggest addons/scripts that you think should also appear on this list.

xxxxxxxxxxxx Addons xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hover over a thumbnail to view a larger version of an image. Great for zooming in on images on the post list without needing to visit them.

Open multiple links at once. Great if you want to open a bunch of posts from the post list all at one time. Hold down the Z key and left-click drag to create a selection of all the links you want to open.

I use this addon to automatically change the "order" and "sort" options in the tags section to "descending" and "total count" so when I do a tag search the most popular tags will appear on top instead of in a random jumble. To set it up is rather simple, just set the forms how you want them, then right click a text box > AutoFormer+ > save all fields and the fields will load that same way each time.

Magical - Text Expander / Auto Text Expander
(same addon just different names on different browsers)

This addon can be used to tag much faster! Instead of typing out long tags you can use this to create shorthand versions. For instance, instead of typing "looking_at_viewer" you can set up a shortcut so that when you type "lav " it will automatically change to "looking_at_viewer". Also great to use when certain tags always imply other tags. So for instance when you type "lb " it can change it to "large_breasts breasts".

Just make sure when using it you add a space after your shortcut version. So make sure it's "lav " not "lav" otherwise the addon will basically cut into words as you're typing if you tried to type "lavender" (or any word with "lav" in it) the addon would jump in an type out "looking_at_viewer" while you were trying to type out the larger word!

xxxxxxxxxxxx Scripts xxxxxxxxxxxx
Userscripts, or just scripts, are little programs that can make changes to websites. In order to use them you first need to download a userscript manager. The two main ones are Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey, but I prefer the latter which you can get here:

***You must first install Tampermonkey before attempting to install any these scripts! They will not work otherwise!!!***



Translate Pixiv Tags
If you've ever run into an artist with a name that looks like this 瀧本ゆかり and you're wondering how in the heck are you supposed to tag that in English, this is the answer. It will query Danbooru's database and display their English name beneath their profile name so you can tag them properly, and not only does this work on Pixiv, but on other sites too like Hentai Foundry, Twitter, DeviantArt, etc. Oh yeah...and it also translates the tags on Pixiv.

Extra Post Info (BIG thanks to Kivl/mja00 for creating this!)
Allows you to see a post's file size and file type under the statistics section in the post sidebar. Very useful for finding which image is the inferior duplicate between two images with the exact same dimensions because at that point file size is about the only thing you can check to see which is better.

R34 Date Fixer (MM-DD-YY)
Just like it says on the tin. This will change the date format on Rule 34 to a MM-DD-YY format that might be more familiar to some of you.

R34 Date Fixer (DD-MM-YY)
Same as above, except changes the format to DD-MM-YY

Change Log --------------------------------------------------

-Redid all the links. Some were dead. Site isn't letting me use short links anymore so had to use full links on everything. Kinda sucks.
-Replaced Textfast with Auto Text Expander. Textfast was kinda broken and didn't always work.
-Replaced Snap Links with Linkclump
02/24/18 04:11PM
szalinski said:
SO, how do we add these features? I've asked a similar question before because I would like to spruce up the board I made beyond it's boringly limited default, but no one seems to know how to, or they're not telling.

Or are you asking which ones we want you to add?

Not sure I understand what you're asking...if you're asking if the features provided by these addons can be baked into the site itself the answer is no. The site's core software is copyrighted and can't be modified...that's the whole reason why I use addons and scripts to augment its functionality. If it could be modified I'd probably just nag our site's coders until they added the features I wanted, but it can't.
02/25/18 02:58AM
bipface said:
i'm not aware of any other tools to dump your favourites list.

This is a planned feature
02/25/18 03:06AM
How about a feature that lets you know when you've got mail? Something in real time that plays a ding or notification in browser?
02/25/18 03:13AM
I believe that was suggested before. I forgot what the response was, just know that it can't happen.
02/25/18 07:42AM
Clownboy12 said:
I believe that was suggested before. I forgot what the response was, just know that it can't happen.

of course it can; probably as a browser addon, maybe as a userscript.

you could possibly even set up an uptime monitor to do the check for you — as long as it supports cookies. like , you'd create a rule to poll the inbox page and look for the keyword "you have mail!" or whatever it is, and give it your login cookie. (uptimerobot doesn't seem to support cookies, but i'm sure some others would).
then you'd get an email when you have r34 mail.
just an idea.
03/04/18 07:04AM Downloader has recently been updated (i.e. it works now):

a simple tool to download images and videos from a given search query. written by an anonymous programmer.

can't be used to download your favourites though
03/05/18 08:53AM
is there anyway to get the hover images function to work on the favorites page?
03/13/18 11:40AM
szalinski said:

well the customisations on equi and bara seem to be achievable through CSS and other settings on the board control panel at

though size.booru is another matter; it seems to be running a newer version of Gelbooru than the others, for some reason
03/24/18 05:15PM
Is there a script or some way to move "options" higher on the sidebar? Like so:
03/25/18 01:10AM
umkuss said:
Is there a script or some way to move "options" higher on the sidebar? Like so:


.sidebar {
display : flex;
flex-direction : column;

.sidebar > div:first-of-type {
order : -2;

.sidebar > div#stats + div {
order : -1;
06/16/18 07:35AM
It'd be cool if there was a way to favorite artists
07/14/18 02:25PM
07/21/18 08:43PM
Is there a way to sort by best of all time as opposed to this chronological ratings-based reddit-algorithm BS? also a way to make a tag-specific random?
07/31/18 01:14PM
lelhelloamhere said:
How about we add a species tag type

well if you can tolerate a hardcoded list you can achieve this yourself with a simple stylesheet; example:

li.tag a[href$="=fox"],
li.tag a[href$="=dragon"],
li.tag a[href$="=lagomorph"],
li.tag a[href$="=living_aircraft"] {
color: aliceblue !important;
1 2345>>>

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