02/05/18 11:36PM
szalinski said:
As a side note, I see no changes in the booru, so I guess whatever changes they made are smart enough to recognize the difference between a malware blocker and one that simply blocks ads. :-)

We haven't made any changes yet regarding that, to busy with other stuff ;)
02/06/18 03:37AM
slayerduck said:

Its hilarious to me that you actually think i care if people who are already using adblock leave. It saves me bandwidth and i lose no revenue anyway. Besides it doesn't only block ads, there are some legit functionality adblock also kills such as notes and tag suggestions on searches. And i haven't even tried messing with it yet lol

People won't leave, they'll just work even harder to block your ads just to spite you. Also adblock doesn't break notes unless your adblocker is terrible, and if it isn't terrible you'll get unbreak rules within a week of breakage appearing.
02/06/18 10:17PM
If you don't want us to block ads, stop giving us disgusting ads like this.
Fucking seriously every time I browse a gay pic I get this fucking disgusting and creepy ad. Yeah that's just what I want when browsing r34, a 40 year old man staring at me.
02/06/18 11:54PM
Muh God
I will attempt to translate the whining I hear from people in this post:

"I am entitled to use Adblock on a site that I use voluntarily, for free, even if that means that the site looses its main source of revenue."

Let be real here for a second and imagine that Slayerduck decides: "Screw it. Pay 5$ Bucks a month or fuck off".

I can only imagine what kind of crybaby behaviour this would result in from the very same people.

Here is a thing you guys have to understand: You have no right to visit this site. You don't. There is no law, no order, not a single thing on this planet that says: "You are entitled to visit"

On the same Hand, however, nobody can force you to use this site. You are not, in any way, bound to use its features. If you continue to do so, however, you have accepted that there are certain rules and customs you have to obey to.

For example: For years I wanted to function to just call people -insert extremely offensive exploitative here- everytime they post some -insert another extremely offensive exploitative here-. But I had to come to terms with the Fact that I cant act like a rabid Silverback with a Tommy-Gun. At least not all the time.

So really what it comes down to is this: Are you adult and caring enough to do a few clicks to support a website you are using for free?

Or are you just a whining baby who is better off going somewhere else because, well, nobody cares about your opinion?

Or as Slayerduck so politely put it:

ts hilarious to me that you actually think i care if people who are already using adblock leave. It saves me bandwidth and i lose no revenue anyway.
02/07/18 01:44AM
I'm fine with ads, and any normal person knows it's what websites need to survive. But when disgusting ads like the one I screenshotted pop up it makes a very good case for blocking them.
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