04/25/18 03:24AM
I'm sub all the way, I like feeling used like a toy lol
04/26/18 12:27AM
I'm a pure sub...I love following orders and doing whatever I'm being told...I would especially love to have a dominant boyfriend ^^'
04/26/18 03:31AM
Sub. Being dominated and at the mercy of a woman is an amazing feeling.
04/26/18 03:48AM
Submissive most of the time.
04/26/18 01:02PM
I'm pretty submissive with guys, but I like being the dom with girls.
04/28/18 04:16AM
04/28/18 05:00AM
I don't... know?
Because Im shy I like to be seduced but since I like what mostly men likes I have sometime to force some courage into myself to tho things...
So I don't really know ç///ç
I guess a slow dom that needs to be woken up.
04/28/18 04:17PM
I'm a switch but I tend to be more submissive than dominant.
05/03/18 10:28PM
I'm a switch at heart, sometimes I want to be the dominate and sometimes the submissive. I tend to be quite fickle about the when for each one though.
05/05/18 04:01PM
I'm really a submissive crossdresser. I love being dominate :3
05/06/18 06:02PM
I'm bisexual, but I'm more of a lesbian so when it comes to guys I like being more dominant so I can get more attention from them but when it comes to girls I become a total submissive.. n///n
05/06/18 06:05PM
well if its a girl i prefer to be dominant.
if its a dude with bigger peace of meat or balls than me,i submit. kind of seems more fun that way,idk why...
05/06/18 07:36PM
I'm a bisexual switch, although I usually prefer to be more of a passive sub, especially with other guys.
05/07/18 01:37PM
Submissive, extremely so lol <3
05/08/18 11:19AM
Dominant. I am sometimes amused to let switch subs play with my other Pets. As long as they don't forget who's holding the leash ;)
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