07/12/17 10:48PM
To cry crocodile tears is a common expression which is used for depicting fake sadness. It has its origins in the myth according to which reptiles weep while eating humans. But crocodiles really do weep while feasting. Their eyes froth and bubble during the feeding. Air pushed through the sinuses could mix with tears in the animal's lacrimal (tear) glands and the whole content could be emptied into the eye; resulting the "fake" remorse.
07/13/17 03:28AM
Sex burns 25.7 calories per minute.
07/15/17 04:13AM
Taco cat back words is still taco cat..... that's the best I got. Lol
07/15/17 06:51AM
She doesn't love you
07/15/17 07:12AM
The world's longest word contains 189,819 letters.
07/15/17 07:20AM
"Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz" is the shortest sentence containing every letter of the alphabet.
07/15/17 08:18AM
Miss_Vulf said:
"Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz" is the shortest sentence containing every letter of the alphabet.

Despite the fact that it's not grammatically correct? No, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" would be the shortest sentence containing every letter of the alphabet.
07/15/17 08:24AM
NudistAngelica said:
Miss_Vulf said:
"Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz" is the shortest sentence containing every letter of the alphabet.

Despite the fact that it's not grammatically correct? No, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" would be the shortest sentence containing every letter of the alphabet.
it is grammatically correct. it's archaic, but it's correct.

even then, "Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow" is another sentence containing all letters of the alphabet, and is far shorter than “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" (29 letters vs 36 letters)
07/15/17 08:47AM
Miss_Vulf said:
NudistAngelica said:
Miss_Vulf said:
"Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz" is the shortest sentence containing every letter of the alphabet.

Despite the fact that it's not grammatically correct? No, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" would be the shortest sentence containing every letter of the alphabet.
it is grammatically correct. it's archaic, but it's correct.

even then, "Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow" is another sentence containing all letters of the alphabet, and is far shorter than “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" (29 letters vs 36 letters)
07/15/17 09:50AM
Miss_Vulf said:
"Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz"

That isn't archaic. Do you see "thee" or "thou" anywhere in there? Also, it's not grammatically correct. It's just a string of words.

I am like, this much of a grammar Nazi...
07/15/17 11:53AM
NudistAngelica said:
That isn't archaic.
1. (archaic) …
07/15/17 03:20PM
A Moogle's favorite food is the Kupo Nut and they all communicate with each other through their own network called the Mognet..,although in some games, Moogles have a shared sense...

The ability to fly is them actually inhaling air...causing them to float and only ever using their wings to steer

In the F13 series however..they can fly without using such trifling measure freely with the use of their wings.. someone make me a Kupo Nut Sandwich ASAP
07/15/17 04:04PM
MoogleGuy said:
A Moogle's favorite food is the Kupo Nut and they all communicate with each other through their own network called the Mognet..,although in some games, Moogles have a shared sense...

The ability to fly is them actually inhaling air...causing them to float and only ever using their wings to steer

In the F13 series however..they can fly without using such trifling measure freely with the use of their wings.. someone make me a Kupo Nut Sandwich ASAP

Kupo N U T
07/15/17 04:26PM
The "I took an arrow to the knee" joke in Skyrim means "I got married".
07/15/17 04:40PM
Oysters can change genders and fertilize their own eggs.
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