05/28/17 10:07PM
I'm shit at demo knight anyway XD, but with the sticky jumper, well use, you can charge in some way too, and there is no cooldown
05/28/17 10:10PM
On DeGroot Keep, if you charge at the rock when you're on attack, you can land on the parapets and if your entire team goes demoknight and charges with you, it is a terrifying sight to see if you happen to be a sniper
05/28/17 10:16PM
I don't play a lot on this map, and when i'm in, I play as Heavy or medic
05/28/17 10:19PM
I don't judge you, Oh my god, alright *Sighs* WHO TOUCHED MY GUN!!!
05/28/17 10:23PM
it's him ! *show his right and run *
05/28/17 10:26PM
Red Soldier: Wat?

RAAAAHHHH *Pounces the soldier and punches him to death*
05/29/17 06:03PM
05/29/17 06:08PM
Sorry, he got me in.
05/29/17 06:11PM
Otak said:
Sorry, he got me in.

Danke for stopping, I vas getting triggered
05/29/17 06:13PM
It was not rp, if you watch cardtrickmeadia, his second q&a video had this

Dear cardtrickmedia: WHO TOUCHED MY GUN!? To which shot, cardtrickmedia's tf2 username, replied, him, pointing to a nearby blu soldier, the heavy then pounced the soldier and beat him up, I was simply referencing his video
05/29/17 06:19PM
Ok this whole Overwatch vs tf2 arguements have good points to either however: I'd like to point to the recent uprising event that sets it apart from tf2: and the amount of lore in each character and their backstory: now for tf2: had a wee bit of backstory but it mainly focused on k/d ratios and no one would cooperate for any achievement(see outsidexbox's video about achievements that took a lot of planning from fans) however people in Overwatch could just be helping the team and they'd get an achievement:: so those are arguements and such
05/29/17 06:24PM
The comics for tf2 provide backstory to the mercenaries
05/29/17 06:32PM
Johnathan2276 said:
The comics for tf2 provide backstory to the mercenaries
that's what as to what I was referring it to as well as the videos: however I'd still like to point out the uprising event that in a way for me made Overwatch not a tf2 clone as it was a Lore-based event that wasn't coping anything from holidays to tf2 it made it stand out in an intriguing way( and people are going to continue to use junkensteins revenge to keep basing their arguements after) but please understand that having played and owning only one of the titles many argue about and having a friend tell
me about it: skins in Overwatch change everything while you can buy hats and such in tf2 and different weapon skins while skins Change based on what skin you have for that character
05/29/17 06:33PM
Yeah, like Hanzo and Genji's young skins
05/29/17 06:36PM
Johnathan2276 said:
Yeah, like Hanzo and Genji's young skins
exactly: different skins change the weapons look as well: another example is the talon widow and blackwatch mccree skins from uprising both changed the look of both characters and their weapons same can be said for any other hero except bastion
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