09/29/18 04:43AM
So, being Masturbation addicted and having a porn addiction, i'd say about 6-8 times a day~ If I'm really serious about it and heavily into it, i could hit about as much as 14 times in a day when I'm completely home alone or when im just so fucking horny~
09/29/18 04:48AM
Low self esteem and confidence - GREAT!
.... iam currently on nofap but this site is cursing me.

Sirously if your young do it but if your 25 idk you should take a step back or two from this shit..... fuck.
09/29/18 05:54AM
You guys are insane my dick can only handle Faping one time a day you guys are fucking Monster
09/29/18 06:15AM
I keep a bullet vibe inside me sometimes during a school day or work day to keep things interesting, so if that counts, then maybe several? Not sure :P
09/29/18 11:56AM
I usually won't go for a few days to even a few weeks because I'm busy and I can easily wait, and then will take the time to go 1-5 times in one day. I think my patterns are weirdly erratic, but I usually only hear about how often guys do it, so I don't know if I'm normal or not.
09/29/18 05:10PM
10 or 12
10/02/18 10:07PM
8th times already
I'm actually working on the 9th time right now
10/03/18 02:47AM
A couple times a week, if I find myself in the mood. School keeps me pretty busy.
10/03/18 04:51AM
At least twice a day usually. Lately, though, I've been going at it every couple hours, so it's been more like 6 times a day. Especially at night since it helps me fall asleep lol.
10/03/18 05:21AM
I’ll masturbate whenever I can while alone at, usually while on this site or looking at some hentai. Also when I RP, it can really get myself in the mood. However, most of the time, I won’t cum during the day. I save that for the night before I go to bed. I usually cum 2 or 3 times at that point.
10/03/18 08:50AM
Usually 2 or 3 times a day. Days when everybody is out of the house (There's 10 so it's rare) I'll just sit at my computer and finger myself through the day.
I once sat and played a MOBA with a vibe in my twat just to know if I could focus through it.
10/03/18 09:24AM
2 or 3 times a day. 4 if I really don't have anything else to do. most of the time from pics on here or from RPing. Most of the time I leave myself on the edge so I can look at more porn or stay in the mood while I RP.
10/03/18 09:35AM
Atleats 3 or 4 times
10/03/18 05:17PM
Depends, Usually 2 to 3 times, sometimes 4 or 5, plus with how much turns me on it can be hard not to cum at least twice a day lol
10/03/18 06:09PM
I lost count
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