01/05/25 04:04PM
Do you mostly access r34 on mobile or PC? What suits you better?
I usually access it on my phone, since I use it to watch the forums, and I use my PC to play games or watch videos, not jerk off, are there many people that jerk off on their PC even? Hell if I know. I just know I like using R34's forum on mobile lol
01/05/25 04:16PM
I use mobile, the UI is more convenient in my opinion.
01/05/25 04:57PM
Mobile for sure, going one handed is very convenient lol
01/05/25 07:47PM
I use my laptop. Watching videos from my phone on here lags and takes ages to load despite it being recent. I don't even manage to go one handed on here with the size of new phones. >.>
01/05/25 09:08PM
PC, never even tried to use my phone.
01/05/25 09:33PM
PC vs Mobile
PC - faster video loading and bigger screen, typically doesn't lag but the UI is a little cumbersome

Mobile - videos can take forever to load, UI is compact but not as many options as PC.

I typically use mobile, it's more convenient for talking and other things :3
01/05/25 09:49PM
PlayStation 4, It's all I've got because my cellphone is so shitty, but despite the PS4's limits it seems to be more resistant to viruses, unlike my old laptop.
01/06/25 03:38AM
PC vs Mobile
Mobile - I’d rather use Mobile mostly because of the UI, it’s easier to navigate, but videos take a long time to load.

PC - Loads faster and bigger screen, but the UI is the opposite of the Mobile UI.

I personally use Mobile due to my 24/7 degeneracy :/
01/06/25 03:58AM
Wii U.

JK, but there are some benefits to it.
The layout is a slightly different version of the mobile one, made for the Gamepad's horizontal screen, and it looks nice and is easy to navigate.
Unlike the 3DS, it always displays GIFs at full or 90% speed.
Forums, Mail, and most other features can be used.
Only one downside - it can't load videos.
01/06/25 04:18AM
Either mobile or 3DS.
01/06/25 04:36AM
Advantages to both, but PC has the better UI for interacting with others in my opinion

Mobile is better for a quick nut tho
01/06/25 04:44AM
Mobile for sure! Much more convenient and well… one hand for searching stuff up and chatting with others and the other hand to pleasure myself while doing that~
01/06/25 04:45AM
Paperwhite kindle... i guess it counts as mobile.
01/06/25 05:07AM
mobile cuz mobile
01/06/25 05:13AM
My PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 3, and iPhone lol. Though gifs run like piss on the vita and videos don't work . videos and gifs don't work at all on the ps3 though.
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