04/24/24 11:26AM
Make a Mobster's Alias
I started my interest on mob movies, especially Martin Scorsese's film catalogue, and I have a fun idea to ask you what Nicknames you will call yourself or by someone if you work in the family.
04/24/24 11:34AM
This is a fun topic. Hmm... Probably something about physical appearance, or a prominent personality trait, or a job trait.

Maybe something simple like Skinny or Blondie.

How about you Floppy?
04/24/24 11:36AM
Anonymous_Male said:
This is a fun topic. Hmm... Probably something about physical appearance, or a prominent personality trait, or a job trait.

Maybe something simple like Skinny or Blondie.

How about you Floppy?

I would say Donnie sounds like a mobster like nickname
04/24/24 01:40PM
04/24/24 01:43PM
04/24/24 01:49PM
Something along the lines of Smooth Jay would be kinda okay for me, not all that creative honestly.
04/24/24 05:21PM
probably Freak or Freaky bc of my alias on sfw websites
04/24/24 08:04PM
Thicc Slice and my squeeze Dame Moll BigTits
04/24/24 08:05PM
Don Forge
04/24/24 08:37PM
Tony the killer bee, Roxy foxy, Paul the wall, cigarette phil (cause he’s always smoking), parson the arson cause he always threatened to burn your house down, Minnie “glitter” cause the way she does her make up looks like she puts to much glitter on her, Michael hook line for always making fishing jokes, and the boss slick Finnegan
04/24/24 08:54PM
...I just want one overweight guy named Anthony who is a Simpsons fan to get in here now.
04/28/24 07:57PM
they call me the minute man,,
04/28/24 08:05PM
The Clockworker. I'm a being made of steel and wires, so it would be fitting for my perfect orderly form to be analogous to clocks and gears. Everything measured. Everything precise.
04/28/24 08:36PM
I go by alot of nicknames.

But maybe "Lizz", "Anne", or an earned nickname.
04/28/24 09:46PM
“You see him Tony? They call him Coke Cock Charlie, and honestly we’re to scared to ask why.”
1 2>>>

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