04/19/24 03:34AM
Your first time in Horny Shit?
What was y'alls first time in the Horny Shit chat like?
It can be any version, 1,2,3,4,4.5, any!

Here's my story,
I had been edging one day for nearly 3 hours. I was at my limit and easily turned on. Out of boredom, I hopped on HS3. There, I saw some people (Can't recall who sadly) dirty talking and I started to join in, also mentioning how I was edging. After that, a person began to threaten to ruin my edge streak. And well... they certaintly did lmao! After that, I returned almost everyday to chat or be horny.
Now that I've cut my usage of porn down a good bit, I don't visit HS4 as often. I still visit once and awhile though :)

What's your story?
04/19/24 03:46AM
1 and 2 were phenomenal for me. First time in it wasn't memorable honestly. It was just a little enjoyment, as it should. What I do remember though is hosting a little game for 2 users. Other than that though, it was really welcoming in horny terms! There was always new users and the old. What I enjoyed about them was the lack of one on ones in there. If you would happen to click with one person guess what? You'd take that shit into the mail! It was pure horny with a dash of friendliness and that was peak. Shit started to change at 3 and I know it will continue to do so from there forward.
04/19/24 03:50AM
The first and second were the best. Extremely active, cool users, and a great source for mail. With Horny Shit 3.0 there started to be more bad actors, and 4.0 has sort of lost steam with there being fewer regular users in there. Not to say there is no one, but the true originals are long gone, and I might go as far as to say they were the best crowd.
04/19/24 03:55AM
Deleting people asking for DM's and almost deleting the whole thread multiple over it. I've openly said I show up in there for my own amusement. There's is nothing I can say or do that will lead to anything anyways, so I ain't gonna try.

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