04/07/24 08:31AM
Object pregnancy?
Hi, I had an idea, but I don't know the tag for it.

Is there a tag for people getting pregnant, but instead of a baby, it's an object? If not, I will eventually make one. Mark my words :P
04/07/24 08:41AM
Please tell me this didn't come about because of the toaster fucking line I added to the 4 word story thread...

As far as I know, no. Checking for such a tag did reveal a lot of other pregnancy-related tags that shouldn't exist, though.
04/07/24 09:14AM
No, definitely not. This was an idea I had on my own.

I'll make it real, one day, when my artistic expertise has ascended and I can finally draw my idea in full.
04/07/24 09:21AM
KittyBoy8989 said:
No, definitely not. This was an idea I had on my own.

Oh, thank fuck. That's a weight lifted off my shoulders.
KittyBoy8989 said:
I'll make it real, one day, when my artistic expertise has ascended and I can finally draw my idea in full.

If we see any images of women giving birth to rice cookers anytime soon, we'll know who to blame.
(Me, for saying "rice cookers".)

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