04/01/24 01:17PM
Video Games that stuck with you
Is there a video game or two that impacted you in some way? For example in my case:
The Witcher III Wild Hunt, I just enjoyed every moment interacting with characters, doing quests, etc.
Gravity Rush games, I just felt chill playing them and wished there were more games like them.
Kingdom Hearts II, absolutely nostalgic to me, Dearly Beloved always makes me tear up.
04/01/24 01:18PM
It's been years since I played it but I still think about Oneshot from time to time. That ending hit me like a fucking truck.
04/01/24 05:42PM
The World Ends with You(Nintendo DS) taught me life lessons I needed to hear as a teenager. Not to mention it's a great game by itself. Banger OST, innovative battle system, and a story that pulls you in!
04/01/24 05:44PM
A Way Out taught me life lessons and convinced me video games can be art forms as well.
04/01/24 05:54PM
Donkey Kong Country 2 for the Super Nintendo was the first game I ever owned and fully beaten. The memories of it will forever be a part of me.
04/01/24 07:09PM
Disco Elysium is the best novel I’ve ever played.
04/01/24 07:31PM
I didn't understand Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty when I played it, but in a way it prepared me for the 21st century better than almost anything else so far.
04/01/24 07:50PM
TERRARIA all the way
04/01/24 08:14PM
The games I wouldn't mind going back to play for a long time sometimes between other games would probably be minecraft, some of the cod series, halo series, and maybe some gta 5.
04/01/24 11:17PM
The persona series. Every game truly has an underlying deep meaning at the end. And the story is amazing throughout all of them. Persona is basically a anime but with shin megami tensei combat, And I FUCKING love that.
04/02/24 12:22AM

It was so cute. And at that time, never played anything like it.
04/02/24 12:25AM
man detroit become human all the way, some parts were funny but everything tied together so beautifully and i love the civil war parallels throughout the story (e.g. kara having to make it over the canadian border w/ alice and luther for them to be truly free)

minecraft knockoff games have a special place in my heart too
04/02/24 01:48AM
The Star Fox games in the 64 timeline. 64, Adventures, and Assault wonderful progressions of the previous games while keeping continuity mostly straight. The callbacks to previous games in Assault were very well done. And of course, Krystal. I don't consider Star Fox Command canon to the 64 timeline.

I can still go back and play those games any time I want, yet I don't. I don't know why, it's like that old saying: you can't go home again.
04/02/24 02:16AM
literally my Top 3 Childhood game
04/02/24 02:18AM
Chrono Trigger:
Mentioned it in a "respects to Akira Toriyama" type thread, as a great artistic contribution from him, especially the amazing Lavos design since it legit terrified me as a little kid! Also loved its quirkiness and the storyline that felt rich and original while still giving you this great old-fashioned sense of "save the world" style heroism.

Even more exciting/horrifying monster designs, something I always love and I think that really started with HL1. I must say both games ended up leaving out a lot of amazing concepts, sadly. But a young me was very impressed by the overall plot/setting of the series being dark, spooky, and dystopian, but imaginative.

Something I ended up appreciating a lot about this one is how much detail and thought is actually put into its mechanics. The saying is "the DevTeam thinks of everything", meaning basically there's a lot of items or what have you that can be applied/interacted with in clever, obscure ways that are hard to even learn of without being spoiled about them. It's kinda raised my own expectations of what games can be like, Dwarf Fortress seems to have taken this principle way further but I could never get the hang of that one.
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