03/30/24 03:45PM
Favorites search tool by Megamoo not working?
Hi. I am trying to find a tool that lets me search my favorites and a lot of people keep suggesting the tool made by Megamoo. Unfortunately no matter what I do, the tool does not work. I keep getting failed requests. I put in my name and tag I want but I keep getting failed requests. Am I doing something wrong? How do I fix this? Here's the link to the tool:cheerful-seahorse-01f6ad.netlify.app/favoritessearch.html
03/30/24 03:50PM
It's fucked as of recently. They haven't touched it, so it's down until they decide they want to fix it.
04/16/24 08:43PM
It is currently unavailable as R34 or some other party has decided to black the search tool's access to the site.

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