10/05/23 06:31AM
Hole house game, which favorite character do you want in the game
Like the title says, which characters do you want to be in this game.
List any character that you want to be in it also you might need to support the game creator himself since he has a patreon and game available on itch and others.

You can also vote your character by requesting them.
Personally the character I want is lah Kara from Star Wars visions and Yuko Tani and Mei kamino from Godzilla anime.
10/05/23 07:17AM
Game? No, it's more like an animation gallery with grinding involved.
10/05/23 07:32AM
I'd love a Jojo character.
Well if I could chose I'd say Yasuho but it's quite impossible so at least Jolyne

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