09/27/23 11:17PM
Counter-Strike 2 is out
let's talk about it.

I really like the changes they've made. Buy menu looks cleaner, inventory has a purpose, smokes are more dynamic. It's all leading up to making the game feel more "active". Thoughts?
09/27/23 11:19PM
i saw a lot of memes where the game has funny bugs
09/27/23 11:20PM
Is it actually?
09/27/23 11:38PM
ShiverFanboy said:
Is it actually?

Yeah, check it; store.steampowered.com/app/730/CounterStrike_2/
09/27/23 11:40PM
Gameplay already feels super clean, but still nice and familiar. I think Valve did a great job modernizing and revamping CS:GO! ^^
09/28/23 12:50AM
Having almost 1000 hours in CSGO, I'm unsure if it would be healthy for me to attempt getting back into counterstrike. I've been pretty content playing terraria and Minecraft recently.

Not a lot of good fps games to play recent, and COD is in the dumpster atm, so I'm unsure what to do.
09/28/23 05:04AM
It personally wasn't anything huge. Lighting changes, better first person viewmodels, particles system. Aside from that, not much has changed. The menu music is atrocious and the team preview screen feels mostly just as a way to show off cosmetics more.

I don't feel like this has any right to be called "counter strike 2" when this all could have simply been released as an update to the game it still is at its heart: CSGO.

I played one while match and asked myself "This is it?" And promptly exited the game. Nothing has really been added to bring players like me back. Also the matchmaking feels super intense, I was getting canned alot more frequently than I was 2 months ago in the previous version of the game.

It also has really really bad Frame stutters that I couldn't figure out for the life of me, and a game looking as bad as CS2 does has no right to behave in this way. My friend also noticed this too.

Overall, cool I guess, it's just a big CSGO update, that's all it is; valves attempt to keep Counter Strike alive for another 10 years.
09/28/23 05:07AM
Shiiina said:
It personally wasn't anything huge. Lighting changes, better first person viewmodels, particles system. Aside from that, not much has changed. The menu music is atrocious and the team preview screen feels mostly just as a way to show off cosmetics more.

I don't feel like this has any right to be called "counter strike 2" when this all could have simply been released as an update to the game it still is at its heart: CSGO.

They sure weren't gonna call it Counter Strike 3.
09/28/23 01:47PM
I played one game and questioned myself; "where the fuck is the tutorial?" Even BlazBlue is better in this regard.

But, y'know, it's still CS, so that's nice.
09/28/23 06:33PM
So I already have this game because they changed the name(from Global Offensive) of it in my library where I've tried playing it on my own and barely with friends, to just looking at it for a free update and buy-able update to play it. It doesn't seem like it changed that much. I mean I've had my share of so many hours of COD multiplayer when growing up, that when I start finding to many shooter games later on available to play, which makes me become less interested and indecisive to play all these other ones lately including this one.
09/28/23 06:54PM
Played counter strike once in my left & that was on my school computer. Always wanted to play it again but I don’t got a pc or setup

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