09/08/23 11:24AM
Pick 1 thing you like from both the above user's favorites and uploads
Yet another of these, combining uploads and favs this time. Basically, pick one thing you like from what the above user has favorited, and what they've uploaded. If they have no uploads, just ignore that part. If they have no favorites just ignore that part. If they have neither then just bypass them entirely.

Bonus points: Tell why you like the pics you've picked. Save up points to win a No-Prize!
09/08/23 12:18PM
You do know that these get deleted now, right?
09/08/23 03:53PM
Considering that there's still so many of them around, I was unaware of this.

Ah well. Had to try.
09/24/23 12:03PM
Favourite post: Just because of the pregnancy.

Favourite favorite (from page 1):

No bias towards Samus. They really were the best of the lot (for me).

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