08/26/23 02:28AM
Question for mostly the girlies, but I guess any can answer. What were your dolls? I had some barbie, but I was a monster high girl!! Still think they have the coolest designs!!
08/26/23 02:29AM
Action Man, the greatest hero of them all.
08/26/23 02:36AM
Ah yes, action figures... I had the purple ninja turtle...
08/26/23 02:39AM
I mean, same thing really~
08/26/23 02:40AM
A lot of action figures are also dolls and vice-versa. One is defined by form and the other is defined by function, so it's possible for something to be both simultaneously.
08/26/23 02:41AM
Warhammer figurines
08/26/23 03:03AM
I had a bionicle, because your girl was a lego bitch in my tweens
08/26/23 03:29AM
GI Joes
Transformers action figures
Heroscape figures

There was a doll that was gifted to me as a baby. Homemade, crocheted. She’s in a box somewhere.
08/26/23 03:32AM
I have probably spent more on my transformers collection than I should have at my age
08/26/23 04:28AM
Dolls were always way to scary to me but I did have a ton of Webkinz and LPS plushies and toys. They may have not been dolls but I loved all of the ones I got and made sure to take care of them as if they were real pets ^^!
08/26/23 03:54PM
Chika_Sakura said:
Dolls were always way to scary to me but I did have a ton of Webkinz and LPS plushies and toys. They may have not been dolls but I loved all of the ones I got and made sure to take care of them as if they were real pets ^^!

Understandable. I had you friend who liked those glass porcelain dolls...
08/27/23 06:56AM
Monster high girl, too.

I was destroyed of barbies. They always were in the splits or had marker on them.
08/27/23 07:56AM
Some Barbies and Kens. Couple of Power Rangers guys. We had these dope-ass ripcord action figures; both karate guys and those helicopter fairy ballerina things. The cool part of being brother & sister close in age meant we could benefit from both gendered toys, and we would share and swap constantly. :D

I mostly liked soft plush stuff, though. And that hasn't changed. Only difference is now my plushes are more expensive, much higher quality, and I don't play with them...


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