07/29/23 07:25AM
New to the site, any tips?
Hey everyone, I've been an anonymous user on this site for a while but I've only recently made an account. I noticed there seems to be an RP community here, and as a veteran RPer from Discord and Reddit I wanted to try RP out here, but I can't DM till I get enough trust, apparently. Any advice for getting into roleplays here?
07/29/23 07:48AM
"Abandon hope, all ye who enter here."
07/29/23 08:20AM
NullestNil said:
"Abandon hope, all ye who enter here."

Appreciate the warning lol
07/29/23 08:21AM
There’s an rp ideas thread, and a couple public rp threads. Best places to start rping on rule34 imo
07/30/23 06:28AM
--Dont make roleplay requests. If you do want to roleplay, hit people up in the roleplay ideas threads. Or make a post. Someone may like your idea and mail you. You'll maybe even hit oil and start roleplaying!

--Dont ever be THAT guy who puts copypastas into comment sections.

--if you see something, say something. Report an under age or inappropriate post.

--Dont make a stupid forum thread. People tend to ignore the sticky threads. Dont make a personal one for a simple question about the site. Make it something you can discuss or have a vide variety of responses from.

--please respect others and dont kinkshame.

Dont open weird links from random people in your mail. Especially if it's a new account or someone who has no forum posts, favorites, and a shitton of comments. It's likely to be a virus. Imgur, IMDb, discord, and basic r34 links are safe.

07/30/23 06:46AM
Have a varied and interesting personality. People who go on and on about the same thing all the time get boring and annoying very fast.

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