07/27/23 07:21AM
I Need Help!
I’m having trouble finding a way to move onto the next image.
For example I’ll look something up like “demon slayer” and tons of pictures will come up.
I tap on one and get to view it, but in order to view the next one I must go back to the previous page and select the next picture.
Just wondering if there is any way to make this process faster…I’m on mobile btw.
07/27/23 07:59AM
Use tabs, I guess? There's no way to do this "better"- at least not on rule34- because it's optimized for finding specific images and showing them all to you, then you selecting a specific one to view. It's not meant to be an endless scroll, per se.
07/27/23 08:06AM
Tabs. Ctrl+click to open tab, ctrl+w to close tab, ctrl+tab to switch tabs. Open several of them at a time.
07/27/23 08:15AM
There's an extension for Chromium and Firefox that previews images by hovering over them, if that helps

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