07/11/23 08:30PM
Girls who like guy booty
I'm not too sure how many "ass girls" there are here. But I want to know why you like boy booty (aside from pegging)
07/11/23 08:57PM
Honestly, as a bi female thats leans towards women.. I can't really sexualize a males body.. Abs, muscles (though being weaker than someone strength wise is attractive to me), even butt.. It does nothing, but woman come so easily

I guess i just like it because its cute, bigger than mine, and since its a 'thing' for straight women to be into them i give the booty attention so it doesn't feel neglected... Its cute, but i dont have the organs to really sexualize butts besides thinking they cute

I like it, on the booty-appreciating-spectrum but not sure whats to love.

Its holdable, slappable, kissable, rimable, huggable! Dude buts comfy cozy lovey dovey

Sorry im not the hardest core asset-appreciator  ( •́ ̯•̀ ) 
07/11/23 10:13PM
SinSizzle said:
I'm not too sure how many "ass girls" there are here. But I want to know why you like boy booty (aside from pegging)

Wdym "aside from pegging"?
Every girl I've ever talked to that liked pegging had nothing to do with body features :p
Boils down always to the same thing, which is power/control (some word it more nicely, like "I enjoy how he reacts to me"). Makes sense, as there isn't much of a physical stimulus for women who peg.
07/12/23 11:40AM
Not an ass woman regarding any gender, but a cute butt is never a bad thing.
07/12/23 01:01PM
I just enjoy it the way anyone enjoys ass lol. Like limerance said, asses are squishy, comfy, squeezable, kissable, slapable, holdable, rimable and fuckable! I love both bubbly asses and nice square asses that really show off the muscle definition. I love kissing and licking asses on both genders. I'm super bi so as long as you're a man or woman with a nice ass, you're hot stuff! :D
07/12/23 04:28PM
As a bi girl as well, I'm going to somewhat echo limerence's thoughts. I'll try to describe it as best I can.

When it comes to purely visual sexual attraction I have a significant preference for other women. But at the same time I very much prefer doing the deed with men. When I masturbate, I'm usually looking at how hot a girl is, appreciating that, and also imagining myself in her position.
TLDR:Maybe slightly but not in the same way as girl ass
07/12/23 04:51PM
Well, this site definitely helped me explore my bisexual side lol.
But i enjoy all asses!
Doesn’t matter the gender, size or color, i will bite them all!

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