07/09/23 01:13AM
whats the last time you cried? do you cry frequently?
07/09/23 01:33AM
I don't remember the last time i cried openly as i tend to avoid anything that would make me cry (Iron Giant, drying scene from The Spongebob Movie, ash's death in Pokemon: The First Movie, the Futurama episode Jurassic Bark which i've only ever watched 2 or 3 times in the past 20 years because i bawl my eyes out, even thinking of the song at the end has me tearing up)
And of course when i start thinking of Rouge i start tearing up too.
07/09/23 03:49AM
Two weeks ago when my cat got put down. I was sobbing for a few hours straight.
07/09/23 03:56AM
About 12 hours ago and yes, i used to not being able to do it and now i just can't stop it, it happens at random times in the day
07/09/23 04:00AM
PinkAnon said:
Two weeks ago when my cat got put down. I was sobbing for a few hours straight.

man i am sorry, fly high kitty, fly high
07/09/23 04:03AM
I don’t really cry. The last time I cried was this time I masturbated for just a little too long and thought too much about it. That was three years ago.
07/09/23 04:13AM
Last time i cried was during some Planning of a D&D plot. I DM and i thought about how amazing an interaction between two characters would have been and how emotional it would be. Ended up having a manly tear

Actually full blown bawling my eyes out? Few months ago attending my Grandmother's funeral.
07/09/23 04:27AM
Little soggy eyes, pretty frequently. I get invested in stuff, so if there's a sad moment in a movie or a book I'll tear up a little.

As for proper ugly crying, last time was about three years ago when I had to have my kitty put to sleep. I had him for 20 years, quite literally grew up with my beast. I was inconsolable.
07/09/23 05:44AM
Cried earlier today. I cry often. It takes stress away.
07/09/23 07:24AM
I haven't cried in over a decade. I guess my trauma and depression kinda got used to the pain where I can no longer cry wet tears. Now I can cry what some people described as dry tears where a person just internalizes everything to the point where emoting pain is shown as a weakness and it must be constantly buried deep down where nobody knows you are struggling until it is far too late for a person to be saved.
07/09/23 07:36AM
I can’t recall the last time I’ve cried. I’ve always done my best not to cry because I used to do it a ton in my childhood. But, last night I had a dream where I cried, and for some reason it felt good to cry. Maybe it’s because I haven’t done it in so long.
07/09/23 08:21AM
I don't cry often, guess I just don't have many emotional moments in my life. Tge last time I cried was three years ago because of acumulated stress.

Unless you count that one time i got smashed in the balls in a HEMA sparring two years ago and pain made me lose a couple of tears
07/09/23 08:21AM
07/09/23 10:57AM
Literally just a couple days ago. I'm a massive crybaby and tear up really easily, including when I'm just stressed but not upset. Crying when I'm actually sad is really cathartic, but more often than not it's a hassle.

I can't control when it happens and catches me completely off guard, then I have to spend several minutes assuring other people I'm actually fine while I get it to stop xD
07/09/23 11:15AM
On my birthday, Jan 3rd so 6 months ago. I was drunk & feeling emotional. Probably the last time I’ll cry this year unless something crazy happens.
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