06/28/23 06:01AM
What's a skill you wish you had?
Myself, I really wish I could draw. And before "you can, you just need practice" or "everyone can be an artist with time and effort", I absolutely cannot. I've put a lot of time into trying, I've attempted to have people teach/guide me, it's just not something that I am personally able to do. And that's just the way the world works, nobody can be good at absolutely everything. I just think it would be neat to be able to express myself via visual art (and/or be able to draw porn lmao).

But what about you? What's one thing that you absolutely cannot do that you wish you could?
06/28/23 06:11AM
I'd go with drawing, there's a few different why can't really get it now. Honestly, my main reason for wanting to draw this days is spite. The idea of you can't draw blank.

I'll draw a big tiddy Nezuko suckin' the nuts of a dude dark as charcoal just for the sake of it would upset someone.
06/28/23 06:20AM
Probably play guitar. Guitar was just something that I was NOT destined to do. Id practice every day trying to learn the basics like a minor and then transitioning to e major, stuff like that. But I made no progress whatsoever no matter what I do. And this all came down to my extremely shaky fingers.
06/28/23 06:46AM
Being able to drive stickshift. It gives you more control on certain... tricky situations, be it in winter seasons with snow, offroading, going over steep hills, etc. Not many people drive manual, so it'll be certainly more difficult to steal, as opposed to your common Honda Civic/Accord or Toyota Corolla/Camry.

But, being in a city, stop-and-go traffic + manual driving = miserable time, so I cba.
06/28/23 06:49AM
Wish I could give myself tongue...
06/28/23 06:55AM
I really wish I was bilingual in Spanish. I feel like it would make life a little easier and a lot of fun
06/28/23 07:11AM
Social skills
06/28/23 08:07AM
Honestly, composing music.
06/28/23 08:09AM
I wish I had some of the skills a gymnast had. I’ve always been jealous of people that can do a back handspring or a smooth round off.
06/28/23 08:13AM
Artistic ability. I already make 3d porn, but I'm just inept at actually drawing.
06/28/23 08:33AM
Beyond the usual "wish I could draw" stuff?
I guess a bunch of stuff.
I wish I was a great chef. Cooking is quite awesome and most I can do is a fucking chicken breast with some spices.
I'd like to be able to smith. Like, blacksmithing. Idk, I like metals, I think working with them would be kinda neat. Could even make jewelry or something.
I'd like to be proficient in more languages. Currently studying Japanese, so, that's a priority probably, but also I'd ideally like to have some older languages, like classical Latin or maybe old Slavic, perhaps some form of cuneiform of Crescent Valley origin or otherwise.
More practically, I guess, I'd like to have the ability to just sorta focus on stuff properly. It's such a bitch getting any work done since if it involves any amount of mental effort, I'm gonna have to really devote a lot of time into it with my scatterbrained attention. Some form of control over my tunnel-vision would be awesome.
06/28/23 08:35AM
i play piano, but i wish i could play jazz better with less practice :P
09/29/23 03:10AM
StarRising said:
i play piano, but i wish i could play jazz better with less practice :P

Oh, for real? Guess that makes two of us, though I would like to learn to play either organ music, bass, or saxophone in the near future;
09/29/23 03:54AM
I want to play the guitar.
Ironically, I worked for a musician for 6 years. Yes, I asked, he charged and didn’t pay enough for me to learn.
09/29/23 05:47AM
I wish i understood and knew how to do computer and electronics stuff so i could fix them and make customizations to game consoles like i've seen on YouTube.
If i could make a portable N64 or PS1 or 1 of those cool af multicarts for gameboy i'd probably actually play the games i've got.
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