06/08/23 05:00PM
Gals of Rule34 - Rumors and You
What are some general rumors, misconceptions, or just downright falsehoods you've heard that you find either frustrating, hilariously stupid, or just straight up pathetic? The kind of stuff you'd find on r/MenWritingWomen, or in the text of some incel's romantic novel.
06/08/23 05:05PM
Why does that whole first paragraph need to exist? "This thread is only for girls, but everyone else can still post".

Edit: OP edit acknowledged. Feel free to disregard this.
06/08/23 05:08PM
doltscanttag said:
Why does that whole first paragraph need to exist? "This thread is only for girls, but everyone else can still post".

You know you make a good point, got a bit too vague on something that was supposed to be specific. Went ahead and edited it out.
06/08/23 08:08PM
The idea that multiple sex partners can make a woman "loose". Dude, that shit can push out a baby then go back to being tight, your pathetic little incel dick ain't stretching shit.

And seriously, anything to do with "alpha males". The scientist who observed wolves and coined the term literally realized he was wrong and redacted his own studies. Of course, people were too excited about the term, they didn't care about facts like how the study was wrong, or that humans aren't fucking wolves, or that alpha males are supposed to provide for the pack, the men included. Unless you're a nurturing fellow with a fanny pack full of trail mix, Gatorade, and a word of encouragement for to help keep your friends hydrated and healthy, you ain't no alpha. You know who the loud, egotistical dudes would be, the ones who demand everyone submit to them and act like they're King Shit of Turd Mountain while not actually providing for or nurturing anyone around them? Betas. That's shit's beta AF. Alphas are supposed to lead and protect the weak, assuming they actually existed. Which they don't. Y'all alpha obsessed dudes are weird. I wouldn't be surprised if this earned me an angry message or two from dudes who definitely aren't insecure.
06/08/23 08:15PM
I agree with the above, but that being said I do fantasize a lot about a big hunky controlling "alpha male" making me his submissive little slave, so in fantasy it can be fun but irl it's definitely not realistic or nice at all
06/08/23 08:19PM
OfficeFox said:
I agree with the above, but that being said I do fantasize a lot about a big hunky controlling "alpha male" making his submissive little slave, so in fantasy it can be fun but irl it's definitely not realistic or nice at all

Oh. Actually, that's a good point. I should have specified, I specifically mean dudes who think that IRL. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it in fantasy. Unless they get super toxic and try to derail other people's enjoyment with it.

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