05/27/23 07:20PM
Why Has RP become so hated here?
So, this might be a bit much but. I think it’s really time to talk about it

I understand that people have a sort of distain for what I will, low effort RP comments, and I understand that, I get that, seeing comments flooded with stuff like that with no quality saddens me, what I’m talking about, is seemingly the lighting rule 34 like to commit to its folks that actually take the time, that actually have effort, the (legend hearing) Destruction of the Fabled RP Thread, the banning of popular writers like Futawriter and LazyWriting, Appeartly new rules that makes comments like those two reportable and possibly banable, and the slow forcing of folks into other places for roleplay like the r34 discord or flist or, dare I even utter the word, Twitter.

I geniunely do not want to spark anything, i like my account the way it is and I don’t want it gone, if I’ve fucked up making this topic in the staff’s eyes I will do what I can to fix it so this account stays around, I just want to ask why, why has expressing writing efforts and erotic collaboration through roleplay become so hard to do, why has finding folk with fellow interest in fandoms or erotic storytelling become so much harder to do with ever day, why do people have such a distain to even see a RP comment, effort given of not

I just want to know, and maybe talk about it, because it feels like we don’t really get to mourn the fallen effort writers besides mentions of what happened to them in comments.

I don’t want to break any rules. And I apologize if I have, finding folks like me or maybe you just feels harder and harder by the day, and I think it’s time someone brings it up
05/27/23 07:31PM
Probably because the mods don’t like it.
05/27/23 07:34PM
The constant spamming caused the fall of the RP forum I believe. It was probably extremely hard to deal with since "new" accounts would be able to come in an advertise. Not only them but the desperate people that needed it too.
As for commenters, I think it could be that such block of text just barely crossed the line of being advertisement.
These are just my theories. A higher up might come in and tell the truth or something.
05/27/23 07:36PM
Halflifefan said:
Probably because the mods don’t like it.

You think that, but they still allow RP aquatinted stuff, they allow public rp forums, they still allow RP related threads/questions based around RP, hell in the literal offical discord server is a entire channel dedicated to RP Ads, if they didn’t like it they could just remove any chance of it, something just feels weird about it
05/27/23 07:45PM
For the most part, it's the low effort of some roleplay comments that tend to be spammy (I know this from first-hand experience, I was like that some time ago). As for the more developed roleplay comments on the site, my best guess is that some mods just want Rule 34 to be just a porn site, if you want to roleplay, to to the list site that stars with F.
I can agree with the sad sentiment of seeing some really good roleplayers go away, it's definitely not a good time to do ERP over here. If you want greener pastures, you'll have to move somewhere else, even if it's not the same as before.

I don't wanna bitch to the mods about it though, I've chatted with some of the mods and ex-mods before and they're nice people, maybe it's a confirmation bias because I chatted with the ones interested in RP, but I digress.

I don't think anybody here is on the bad side or that they are the bad guys, it's just a difference of prefferences that clashes together.
05/27/23 07:48PM
Cum_Inflation_Slut~ said:
…I don't think anybody here is on the bad side or that they are the bad guys, it's just a difference of prefferences that clashes together.

Couldn’t have said it any better myself.

Although, there also seems to be some…issues, regarding the site itself.

I made this account because my original one- Eldin’sKeeper- got DM locked, comment locked- I basically couldn’t reply to anybody in any form. So, I had to make this one to replace it.

As sad as it is, I’ve been getting a lot more results on Discord and Twitter than I ever have here- which is a REAL fucking shame, because I’ve met a LOT of good RPers on here in my time. Some I still occasionally RP with today, on other sites.

I used to love spending my time here, but now…I rarely visit this place, even for porn.

It sucks, honestly…
05/27/23 07:49PM
If I have to guess this site probably has a horrible infrastructure behind the scenes to work with that makes moderating something like a RP board difficult when people spam + promote ToS-breaking content there constantly while banned people were constantly making new accounts every minute to post their ToS-breaking requests again and again.

People hate on comments because... reasons I guess. I don't know really, the comments are so easy to ignore and honestly somebody writing a story about a picture being a problem to anyone seems odd to me. Not sure what else people are supposed to write in comments on a porn site other than fantasies to begin with. I guess people prefer to see "I wish I was her" spam on every picture instead.
05/27/23 07:53PM
I'm still not banned after doing the picture captioning thing.
05/27/23 08:05PM
The only way anyone could possibly think RP was hated here is if they covered their ears at all the constant RP discussion and screamed "LALALALALALALA!" whenever someone tries to talk about it.

Seriously, RP is quite popular here, and the only complaints people have about RP are in relation to finding good partners as opposed to any actual hatred of RP. Nearly every comment related to it can be described as "I love RP, I just hate (insert valid concern)".

There are other ways to enjoy RP here that skirt entirely around issues like RP comment chains being blocked off. You could engage in public RP threads or simply DM people you see as like-minded.
05/27/23 08:06PM
Blarghonator said:
The only way anyone could possibly think RP was hated here is if they covered their ears at all the constant RP discussion and screamed "LALALALALALALA!" whenever someone tries to talk about it.

Seriously, RP is quite popular here, and the only complaints people have about RP are in relation to finding good partners as opposed to any actual hatred of RP. Nearly every comment related to it can be described as "I love RP, I just hate (insert valid concern)".
Always with the nuanced take, blarg.
05/27/23 08:13PM
Big Ol’ Preachy Speechy
Select people on the internet are always overly petty and spiteful at things they don’t like for the express reason that they just don’t like them, and will let EVERYONE know and ridicule the people who like that thing they don’t like all just to feel superior and “correct”. Because EW! DIFFERENT!

Everyone wants to feel superior and/or preachy, even over miniscule bullshit that doesn’t matter ultimately. So the idea of people enjoying themselves with things that THEY don’t enjoy probably equals to “wrong” in some people’s sad minds, and because it’s the internet, they feel some obligation to spout their vocal toxicity at those people just minding their own business.

I see it all the time with fans of vtubers, Hazbin, MCU, FNF, Splatoon, LoL, tons of anime as a whole.

It feels like just unavoidable culture shit that’s perpetuated by memes to always talk down on certain subsets of people online and be like “Glad I’m not like THESE bozos for enjoying that thing! I’m RESPECTABLE!”, and having to actively try to embarass others for being “different”. Like, bullying’s never gonna leave, it just kinda changes targets; decades ago it was people who played video games, now it’s stuff like RP, I guess?

I know “let people enjoy things” and “QUIT HAVING FUN!” have kinda lost all meaning, but at some point you gotta just… Chill? The comment by SexHaver69 roleplaying Sans Undertale wanting to fuck Makima isn’t gonna hurt you or your family. I definitely know everyone might have their reasons, like the afformentioned cringe low-effort spam posts that blatantly break ToS, those can be annoying sure. But when it’s within the rules and not even inciting anything questionably harmful, again can people just pause before commenting they want all roleplayers to die and just… Chill?

What even is the point of porn comments anyway, besides an ocassional funny meme post? The non-Rp ones equally contribute little to nothing, that are just dudes going “nice ass” or something, I don’t see complaints over those being annoying or low-effort. You need to remember behind every Rp post is some bored, horny son of a bitch for whom simply jacking off to a pic alone doesn’t do it for them anymore, and are just looking for something that DOES through Rp. Even if some try WAY harder than others…

There’s also the fact for some people, dedicated Rp sites are hard to come by. R34 is WAY more fast and loose, so that appeals many people who just wanna quick meet n’ fuck without having to sign legal forms or write a 5-page profile every time. The Rp forums here were a nightmare to regulate, yes, but it also mooooostly contained and kept those freaks in their little corner… For the most part.

Anyway, my five cents. I’m gonna continue jacking off to porn alone now. I hate looking for rp servers too.
05/27/23 08:24PM
I was commenting solely on the user reactions, not mods, btw.

I also realize the tone of my post could’ve probably been interpreted as pissy and overly defensive for rp… Oops :v

I’m not upset, I GET the hate lmao, I just ignore those peoples’ comments and wanted to try and articulate my reason why.

I do get disappointed when I see people comment that they hate rp’ers so much that they actually wish they would be killed. Whether they mean it or not, that’s still just upsetting to read.
05/27/23 08:35PM
Blarghonator said:
The only way anyone could possibly think RP was hated here is if they covered their ears at all the constant RP discussion and screamed "LALALALALALALA!" whenever someone tries to talk about it.

Seriously, RP is quite popular here, and the only complaints people have about RP are in relation to finding good partners as opposed to any actual hatred of RP. Nearly every comment related to it can be described as "I love RP, I just hate (insert valid concern)".

There are other ways to enjoy RP here that skirt entirely around issues like RP comment chains being blocked off. You could engage in public RP threads or simply DM people you see as like-minded.

Since the website won’t let post it in full, I’ll summarize it

I see your point, but I heavily don’t agree, people got axinety for the public RP and and Dming isn’t really the most reliable method

Is it popular, yes, but Where you see a thriving niche probably, I see a long bygone era of creativity and people trying to just, get by, even going to alternate methods like other sites

I do apologize if my topic pissed you off somewhat, I get a sorta frustrated tone from your message,
05/27/23 08:51PM
Not really. I just don't see hate here. I know people get really weird in comments, though, so perhaps I'm just not seeing that side of it. But my point is that RP isn't hated here. If anything, the active, creative side of the RP community is actively missed and desired. That's love, not hate.
05/28/23 02:49AM
I don't think it's hated than it is just misunderstood by people who come here just to fap and don't ever interact with the rest of the site. That kind of lurker shit.
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