01/09/23 02:56AM
Does Princess Peach have a personality?
I was wondering about this recently so I wanna know your thoughts on her.
01/09/23 02:57AM
Dumb bimbo personality
01/09/23 03:04AM
I think the answer is the same answer you can give to the question of “does [insert any comic book character] have a personality” which is, depending on who’s in charge of writing her, strikers gives her a diva personality, casual sports games give her a casual personality, odessey didn’t give her much but very much showed she enjoys independence and like to have a actual choice with the ending cutscene, and the movie seems to be aiming to give her a sorta “leader that’s prepared to do what others can’t” vibe, i wouldn’t say she has no personality, I just say her personality is in the hands of whoever is writing her at the time

Personally I definitely say she has a “royal care about her people” vibe, no matter what iteration
01/09/23 06:37AM
She has a slight one depending on the universe. Like in Paper Mario or the Mario & Luigi series, she actually has a personality, because she actually plays a larger role in the story. But in the standard mario games she's mostly just a typical damsel in distress that offers just enough eye candy to still be considered wholesome.
01/09/23 07:59AM
Blarghonator said:
She has a slight one depending on the universe. Like in Paper Mario or the Mario & Luigi series, she actually has a personality, because she actually plays a larger role in the story. But in the standard mario games she's mostly just a typical damsel in distress that offers just enough eye candy to still be considered wholesome.

Same with every other character, really. Only the side games flesh them out and give them any actual characterisation while the main games treat them more like game pieces than characters (Peach is simply "the princess", Mario is simply "the hero", Bowser is simply "the villian", etc.) which makes sense if you think about it.
01/09/23 08:58AM
doltscanttag said:
Blarghonator said:
She has a slight one depending on the universe. Like in Paper Mario or the Mario & Luigi series, she actually has a personality, because she actually plays a larger role in the story. But in the standard mario games she's mostly just a typical damsel in distress that offers just enough eye candy to still be considered wholesome.

Same with every other character, really. Only the side games flesh them out and give them any actual characterisation while the main games treat them more like game pieces than characters (Peach is simply "the princess", Mario is simply "the hero", Bowser is simply "the villian", etc.) which makes sense if you think about it.

To be fair, Mario games take place in at least 3 distinct universes according to Nintendo canon. Each universe has strong differences, such as Peach's characterization or Luigi being completely inept or not. There may even be more than just the 3, but I know it's confirmed that Paper Mario, the Mario and Luigi games + Luigi's Mansion, and the main Super Mario universes are all separate. I'm unsure if the sports/oarty games fit in there or make up yet another universe. Peach has a ton of personality in the Paper Mario universe, a little bit in the "Luigi isn't braindead" universe, and zero personality in the "main" universe.
01/09/23 10:47AM
Blarghonator said:
To be fair, Mario games take place in at least 3 distinct universes according to Nintendo canon. Each universe has strong differences, such as Peach's characterization or Luigi being completely inept or not. There may even be more than just the 3, but I know it's confirmed that Paper Mario, the Mario and Luigi games + Luigi's Mansion, and the main Super Mario universes are all separate. I'm unsure if the sports/oarty games fit in there or make up yet another universe. Peach has a ton of personality in the Paper Mario universe, a little bit in the "Luigi isn't braindead" universe, and zero personality in the "main" universe.

Technically, the paper versions and non-paper versions these characters are different characters rather than different versions of the same characters. Not sure if this applies to all Mario universes but Paper Peach and regular Peach are definitely not the same character.
05/13/23 11:34PM
When Peach has a prominent role she my be one of the best written characters in that story. Otherwise, I find it very hard to care for her other than being hot. She was fucking incredible in Paper Mario and the Mario Movie.
05/13/23 11:39PM
Paper Peach does, but regular Peach, no, not really.
05/13/23 11:52PM
Mainline, no. Odyssey is weird she's pretty obnoxious there imo

Spinoffs/Mario & Luigi/Movie, playful and lightly teasing only to Mario and Luigi, but mysterious as a whole. Deceptively self aware and has kind of a "looks like an aloof pushover but resourceful and powerful" thing going on.

Paper Mario: Strategic, kind, and patient

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