06/13/22 04:51PM
Did you ever told a friend about this website?
Tell us the story^^
Or tell us why you didnt^^

(Edit: i mean not telling it to them as a joke.. but like, you tell it to them with the goal of recommending a good porn website to them.)
06/13/22 05:29PM
For my sanity, can you please change the title either to "Have you ever told"? I'd even tentatively accept "Did you ever tell"
06/13/22 05:51PM
Agree with Kraos

And no, I haven't told anyone irl that I use this site. I'm not perfect but that I'm not THAT socially inept.
06/13/22 06:00PM
All of my friends know about this place without me telling them but what they don't know is my account.
06/13/22 06:09PM
My girlfriend sometimes visits the web, just like me. She doesn't write on the forum because she thinks it's a really silly thing to do ^^U, but she knows I do.

Outside of my partner, I wouldn't even dream of telling anyone irl.
06/13/22 06:18PM
I think I could still mention knowing what it is, but would never tell them that I actually visit this god forsaken site everyday.
06/13/22 06:39PM
It actually was my bestie who told me about this place quite some time ago... and not much after many browses I made a username here. <3
06/13/22 07:24PM
"Hey buddy, you ever hear of this site called Rule 34?"
'Dude who the hell starts a conversation like that, I just sat down.'
12/19/23 05:18PM
Me and my best friend often recommend some artists/posts to each other and talk about our kinks, now he basically knows all my kinks and I know his also

That's true friendship lol
12/19/23 06:12PM
I did.. not telling them what it id though!!
12/19/23 06:26PM
Fodase_ said:
Me and my best friend often recommend some artists/posts to each other and talk about our kinks, now he basically knows all my kinks and I know his also

That's true friendship lol

12/19/23 06:27PM
I told my friend about this site (specifically the forums) and she said it was "worse than 4chan", like !?'?!?!?!?!?
12/20/23 02:36AM
I have one friend irl who knows about this site but I don’t think he uses it. I think he knows I’m here tho and doesnt think mych about it hahaha
12/20/23 02:37AM
I've told partners in the past but never any friends

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