02/06/12 09:23AM
One Question About Accounts
if someone uploads one single pic that could or is loli,i know they get banned, or could you at least gave them a strike, considering that most users who uploaded that art were old users that upload them when it was allowed, do you ban those as well?

and other than that, they don't get into trouble considering the circumstances?.
02/06/12 11:31AM
Don't panic! We don't ban unless the user is actually abusive and not just neglected our rules once (for 1 image). Try to read the ToS although.
02/06/12 06:50PM
Yeah I usually send a warning message if it's a loli, if it's like a dozen or a naked toddlerkon I'd probably ban on the spot.

02/06/12 08:57PM
02/07/12 07:30AM
Just don't think about uploading that stuff because you may have abused the admins' generosity! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

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