02/09/13 10:43PM
writer's nook (not an rp)
Don't Plagarize
Titles go where they belong (if you're making something with chapters then the chapter title also goes in the title section)
and anything goes lol
02/10/13 12:46AM
Rachel-Prologue: Betrayals
Mylira high priestess of Lorna the goddess of magic stood in the crowd watching as the new emperor walked out onto the balcony over trades square to make his ascension speech. He acts as if he holds the world on his shoulders head bowed beneath his glittering crown. The morning sun flashing off the Emperor’s crown as he raises his head to speak. A crown that could have bought food for half of the pour of the cities for years. Mylira couldn’t help but think about the simple gold diadem his father wore.
“My people,” he says, as he holds his hand over this heart , “I stand before you to day humbled and saddened, humbled to lead such a great nation, saddened because of the betrayal that has happened in my own family” the crowd below gasps some shout in out rage, “hunt the murder!” And similar such useless nonsense, but a bad feeling settled into Mylira’s stomach. Waving his hands in the air to quiet the crowd the new Emperor continued his speech “my own mother and older brother this day flee this country having been caught conspiring to murder my much beloved father, unfortunately one of their followers had already succeeded in carrying out her plans” the crowd roars in outrage! (lol break in the story it will be easier to post only two paragraphs at a time)
02/10/13 03:42AM
((This is a great idea! Is there any limit on information or chapter length?))
02/10/13 03:47AM
nope none of that stuff and you can write what ever you like (it doesn't have to be porn though this is rule 34 so porn won't be a big surprise) and you don't have to put things i'm parenthesis if it doesn't have a title i'll just assume it's a comment lol
02/10/13 03:52AM
i'm just breaking mine down smaller cause it's easier to read and keeps the breaks in the stories short (like if every one puts up a hole chapter then the next chapter might be days away and then end up three pages latter than the earlier chapter lol)
02/10/13 03:59AM
Okay, I don't want to step too far, so I'll ask one last question: I've been creating an entire world with the purpose of it being more adult (not necessarily on par with Rule34) and I've created fairly unique lands, races, myth and history. I had intentions of it being a roleplaying like scenario, but I've already crafted my own character on the subject and could just stick with that story line. Would it bother you if I posted historical events, race descriptions and land descriptions before starting the story?
02/10/13 04:01AM
Theudas's Immoderation, or How Gigantidicks Would Have Gladly Ripped Many a Vagina apart If Only…
The sun rose over a celestial palace unbeknownst to humanity, but known amongst its dwellers as the Celestial Palace. As shown by this name, lack of originality is not a specificity of terrestrial beings. Those who lived in the Celestial Palace were mostly servants under the heel of capricious gods. Divine essence blossomed in the bosoms of these slaves, yet so minimal in quantity that it barely allowed them to endure the pressure of these pinnacles. Apart from the survival of minions, this bestowing of ambrosian substance ensured their frustration and envy; and so were the gods superior—or so did they feel... at least.

However, the unforeseen payback consisted in an excess of supreme energy in those who had appropriated it. Theudas, a powerful immortal, was a good illustration of this paradox. More often than not, his uncontrollable libido would make him descend from the cloud realms so as to seek mortal preys. He would transform in a splendid individual—of whatever sex, depending on his fancy—and seek out lovers—of all sorts: humans, animals, young, old, anything that could satisfy his unbridled needs. Once he had laid hand on a convenient subject, he would either coax his target with sugared words or wildly rape it.

In any case, this was the moment when things fell apart—inevitably. His sense of domination would ingratiate him so much that his sexual organs would grow until they reached monstrous proportions, rendering him utterly incapable of any act of love—or rather lust—even with the biggest creatures at his disposal. In fact, his organs alone would become so unbearably large that his incarnation would burst into pieces every time he tried to ease his lubricious desire.

And so did Theudas and his brethrens feast upon the alleged frustration of their merry servants, who were as many witnesses to the gods' ludicrous attempts at ravishing mortal pleasures. The Celestial Palace remained a grotesque show of farcical failures until it was taken over by more moderate tyrants, whose mild needs—in comparison—made them the fittest in this struggle of (super)natural selection.
02/10/13 04:09AM
nope lol this is a place for all things written and creative but it has to be static (in other words role play doesn't happen here but back round info as long it is done entertainingly, you know story form, can definitely be posted here) like that lol nice job btw
02/10/13 04:13AM
I write for living, so I understand. I'll post one thing and if it bothers you I won't continue.
02/10/13 04:15AM
just keep to the ToS and you won't find that i have a problem lol
02/10/13 04:15AM
mythicsex said:
like that lol nice job btw

If this was for me, why thank you then! =]
02/10/13 04:17AM
it was lol but you could easily have used it as a backround for Rp lol if you get what i mean ^///^
02/10/13 04:18AM
Grotesque RP then! Man, that would be fun.
02/10/13 04:27AM
you know when i read the sign that said "come over the dark side we have cookies" you weren't what i was thinking of Dark -cookie (encase you can't tell that was supposed to be a joke)
02/10/13 04:53AM
You know, I think I have too much stuff. It might end up commandeering your entire thread and I wouldn't want to do that. Maybe I'll make a thread based on my world though.
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