04/19/24 12:01AM
How to make a "R34 dashboard" and "follow" tags with search
Just do a huge OR search that lists all the stuff you like and bookmark that in your browser. When you find a new tag you want to follow, add it to the search and update the bookmark.

You can get fancy and combine multiple OR searches to filter your "dasg", eg if I want to follow the tags for a few different games but only see the gay shit, I can do something like:
( final_fantasy_xiv ~ sekiro:_shadows_die_twice ~ genshin_impact ~ resident_evil ) ( gay ~ yaoi ~ male_only ~ male/male )

The search results will be a feed of everything that has one tag from the first parenthesis (a game I like) and one tag from the second set (a Gay Shit).
Since you're probably not a huge homo like me, you can use the same type of search to only see chicks or only see only see art with more than three characters or whatever it is you like best.
04/19/24 12:59AM
Moew moew moew
04/19/24 02:04PM
I do something like that already, but I use Notebook. I have the full list all typed out, all I do is bring up the file and copy paste it into the search box. if I want to add or subtract a tag I can do so permanently or temporarily by either saving my changes or not when I close the .txt file.

This also lets me use the list on other boorus that have the same function.

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