11/06/23 03:40AM
Those with big tits
Do you actually like having them and how do you cope with the sheer mass? I have huge fucking tits and they hurt on a constant, so I wonder how y’all cope with the pain it gives on your back and the sag-point. Like…do you do anything that involves running or sporty movements? If so, how the hell are you not dying over there? Just asking as someone with huge tits.
11/06/23 04:36AM
I gave up track once I filled out. I was afraid these things would give me a black eye or concussion or something. I had more success with swimming. It didn't mess with my back as much but they still kind of got in the way and obviously wearing a swimsuit invites a different level of attention. Yoga and bouldering are my current thing. Neither require constant bouncing, would recommend.
11/06/23 04:44AM
Thank you for your advice.
11/06/23 04:49AM
I've seen some really supportive bras as someone who isn't a titty haver, but obviously people can't be spending money just like depending on your situation. I'd say yoga is a nice, free (with how many resources you can find online) way to excerise as well as build core strength which can help that back pain
11/06/23 04:57AM
Careful, talking about having huge tits is bait for creepy DMs.
11/06/23 04:59AM
What's your definition of huge? I consider myself to be big but probably not huge. I usually refer to myself as "normal big" lol. But a few things that have helped me out have been:

1. sucking it up and shelling out for good bras
2. being more conscious of my posture
3. working out my back and core in the gym

I'd also second yoga as a relatively easy to do exercise with big boobs. Some poses will cause you trouble, but I've always been able to find workarounds.
11/06/23 05:20AM
Lacey1297 said:
What's your definition of huge? I consider myself to be big but probably not huge. I usually refer to myself as "normal big" lol. But a few things that have helped me out have been:

1. sucking it up and shelling out for good bras
2. being more conscious of my posture
3. working out my back and core in the gym

I'd also second yoga as a relatively easy to do exercise with big boobs. Some poses will cause you trouble, but I've always been able to find workarounds.
enough to be a neuscence to you but people love them
11/06/23 05:32AM
I'm nonbinary, but people seem to be weirded out that I like my tits and want to keep them. I wear a chest binder sometimes with some of my clothes because they fit better that way, but it's a lot of work to acclimate to wearing a binder full-time and I don't see the point when I don't have a problem with them.

For the record, I don't think I'm necessarily that big (I've definitely seen bigger on people otherwise my size) but the bra industry decided I am because I have a narrow back. I literally learned to make my own because it's cheaper than buying bras and being disappointed in them. (And then I went into making clothes generally, and if you ever get into that it is an eye-opener to so. many. things.)

The shitty truth is, OP, if you go shopping for bras you'll struggle to find anything you like. If you're lucky and you have the money for it, find someone who can do custom bras or better yet, something like short stays (basically a waist-length corset) or vintage-style long-line bras (virtually the same thing but with a modern bra closure). It's expensive, but they'll last longer and help a lot with the pain. (Full corsets are another option, but they can be a bit limiting. There's one really good YouTube video about wearing a corset full-time for several years that does discuss the drawbacks very honestly.)

In store-bought bras, if that's all you can do, look for sports bras but make sure the band is big enough and it has wide straps. If you're getting any pain in your sternum or ribs, the band is too small.

Most commercial bras, even sports bras, for larger cup sizes (so like, everyone above a C apparently) are way too narrow in the straps, which concentrates all the pressure into narrow points on your shoulders, which is what leads to a lot of pain. A lot of modern long-line bras aren't long enough either and use shitty cheap reinforcing that can't actually support the weight of your chest properly, so it all goes on the straps (which are usually narrow).

As for exercise... sports bras are a big help, but they need to fit really, really well or they don't work, and I don't think you'd find anything that would work for running or aerobics or anything like that. Yoga isn't too bad, I didn't find weightlifting or Pilates to be too bad either. For cardio I stick to cycling because my knees hate running, and that's not too bad but it did take a while to find a bike that was comfortable because I prefer to sit more upright rather than hunching over.

Yoga is especially good because there's some good core and shoulder work you can do that'll help with tension and strengthening. Getting regular deep-tissue massages in your neck, shoulders and upper back also goes a long way for pain issues.

BUT. With that being said, if they're always hurting (not sensitive, actually painful) then definitely go see a doctor OP. It's not usually a good sign, so best to rule out any actual problems.
11/06/23 03:04PM
get sports bras! a good brand though, they’re so supportive but comfy
11/06/23 03:27PM
not busty myself, but as a boob fan i've spoken to and read about the problems caused by boobs being too big. not really anything that hasn't been covered already but sports bras are supposed to be more comfortable providing you can get them in the right size. either that or doubling up on bras can seem to lighten the load just a little.

i wonder how difficult it is to do certain exercises to strengthen up your back and shoulder muscles with such big obstacles in the way. that and regular massaging are supposed to be good to relieve some of the pain.

most busty nb/trans male people, and some of the women i've spoken to have expressed a desire for a reduction. i guess that is the ultimate end goal and doesn't really help the immediate situation, especially with how expensive that stuff can be, but it's always an option.
11/06/23 03:32PM
I don't have much input to offer, but I used to see a woman with a pair of H-cups. I could wear one side of her bras like a helmet. Good times~
11/06/23 04:00PM
I'm here to say that I love saggy/low-hanging titties.

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