10/18/23 10:35PM
Tips for edging?
I'm reeeeeeeeeally into edging. I love getting super close and then holding myself back repeatedly, only the blow a massive load at the end.

But I feel like the more I edge/the longer I edge, eventually I can't touch myself for more than a few seconds at a time before I cum. Does anyone know any good tips for being able to go for longer with each edging session? Or at the very least where I can get more than a few pumps in after edging for an hour or two?
10/18/23 10:39PM
Try taking longer breaks as you go on. Like, even letting yourself get soft can help. The point isn't just to keep going till you can't, it to keep going for long, which can be as long or short as you like. So just give taking longer breaks a shot, and see if it helps ya.
10/18/23 10:45PM
I wish I could edge well. But when I get close I often can't hold it in
10/19/23 02:11AM
try kegles, i.e throbbing your member, I find it helps, improve the overall experience
10/19/23 04:44AM
I guess just not have a big sex drive? Idk I end up always edging because my nerves are a bit fucked up so
10/19/23 04:58AM
Best tips is let me do it, duh
10/20/23 02:09AM
Also, try not to squeeze it too hard.
10/20/23 02:35AM
You probably got to go slow with breaks, though if you keep going or go rushing ruins it.

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