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Just one more centimeter♡
Just one more centimeter and you'll graduate from being a virgin you know♡
Blookryynnn2023-09-11 14:37:12Revert
0131420Hang in there alright?
Do your best in erecting alright?
Blookryynnn2023-09-11 14:38:45Revert
0131422~Erection game~Blookryynnn2023-09-11 14:39:30Revert
01314241. First measure the "normal size" of the penis.Blookryynnn2023-09-11 14:40:16Revert
01314262. The girl then predicts the "erected size".Blookryynnn2023-09-11 14:40:59Revert
01314283. If the erected size exceeds the prediction, then the girl would be his sex toy for a day.Blookryynnn2023-09-11 14:42:33Revert
0131430If the size is exactly the same as predicted, then the girl gets to play with the penis to her liking for a month.Blookryynnn2023-09-11 14:43:58Revert
01314325. If the size is not enough compared to the predicted, then said person's balls would be crushed.Blookryynnn2023-09-11 14:44:40Revert