07/17/17 05:49AM
Results are Getting Blacklisted despit me not filtering anything
Hello, I just recently joined and I'm experiencing an issue relating to the Blacklisting feature, when I search for a certain post or just click on a page, it will sometimes tell me that there's nothing on the page, even though when I sign out of swap to a different Web Browser, it'll show things on the page, and images will become "Black Listed" despite nothing being in my Filter list, so can an admin or moderator help me out? Why is this happening?
07/17/17 09:41AM
ElectronicLizard said:
Hello, I just recently joined and I'm experiencing an issue relating to the Blacklisting feature, when I search for a certain post or just click on a page, it will sometimes tell me that there's nothing on the page, even though when I sign out of swap to a different Web Browser, it'll show things on the page, and images will become "Black Listed" despite nothing being in my Filter list, so can an admin or moderator help me out? Why is this happening?

try setting your post threshold to "-9999"
( rule34.xxx/index.php?page=account&s=options )
07/17/17 05:23PM

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