07/15/17 05:28PM
07/16/17 01:24AM
Carrots are actually dangerous to rabbits. Bugs Bunny lied, people. He should be dead by now.
07/16/17 06:30AM
Apple seeds contain cyanide.
07/16/17 07:36AM
hot_sauce said:
Apple seeds contain cyanide.
To a mantis shrimp kung fu looks like tai chi -u-
07/16/17 07:45AM
please stop shitposting...

Male seahorses get pregnant
07/17/17 05:28AM
Kinky_Pie said:
hot_sauce said:
Apple seeds contain cyanide.
To a mantis shrimp kung fu looks like tai chi -u-

The plural form of cactus is cacti.
07/22/17 12:47PM
There once was a man named Ola Månsson from Sweden.

He had 8 children and even worked in the Parlament.

But he did some shady things and even had an affair with his younger secretary (20 years to be exact). They had a son named Karl August.

That boy would grow up to become a Lawyer and even shape the American Federal Reserve Bank.

And Karl August had a son too named Charles.

Did i mention that when old Ola crossed the Sea he changed his name?

He changed it to Lindgbergh.
07/22/17 01:18PM
WhatsUpGuysItsMeJeremy said:
The "I took an arrow to the knee" joke in Skyrim means "I got married".
This is actually false information. What isn't false information is that The upcoming solar eclipse will last about 90 minutes as it goes from one end of the united states, to the other.
07/23/17 08:01PM
The former american "education"-system had native students eat soap if they used their mother tongue, for example Navajo.
07/29/17 05:45PM
Elevators and escalators kill about 30 and seriously injure 17,000 people each year in the United States.
07/29/17 09:28PM
Cows kill more people per year than sharks do.
07/30/17 10:40AM
Mosquitoes cause more (human) deaths than any other creature in the world
by spreading bloodborne diseases like malaria
07/30/17 07:58PM
The standard way to eat pizza, as in Italy, is with a knife and fork. But that isn't American, so it's universally wrong.
07/30/17 08:47PM
A group of owls is called a parliament.
08/02/17 03:44AM
The phrase "something is 08/15" goes back on the german "Machine Gun 0815" which was used in the first world war for SO long that it became familiar for the soldiers to call something normal or common "0815".
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