02/21/17 07:07AM
digitalsquid said:
Whatever I'm feeling at the time

that's quite a vague solution you've come up with there
08/08/23 01:34AM
Link's down. Anyone have an update?
08/08/23 06:30PM
Wait, I expected this thread to be something like "well, I'd suck dick to do it", "I'd pay $100 to do it" etc.
08/09/23 01:26AM
I download stuff as i go but not too, im too paranoid to download hundreds of porn to my device and just have it there
09/09/23 09:05PM
HeadPhobiac said:
Link's down. Anyone have an update?

an archived copy is available at
01/25/24 05:03PM
For those who found this thread late, IDK if it's something on my end but that js literally doesn't work at all. It just doesn't post the links in any way and every single image fails. Back to the drawing board, I guess.
05/04/24 10:39PM
I've fixed the script made by bipface
You can freely use it, it works exactly the same.

There're just some issues with these mass downloading extensions.

Mentioned in the script doesn't really work anymore on the page created with that script in any chromium browser (Chrome/Brave/Edge/YandexBrowser) that's why if you want use it, you should do it in FireFox (tested).

If you still want to use Chromium browser then you can try this extension too But it works much much slower for me.
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