03/17/15 03:53PM
If you dislike social situations and if you have like a garden or a room with a high ceiling, you can work on your stamina and just get sweaty by skipping rope. And when you're done, you can directly head for the shower.
03/17/15 09:42PM
Krowe said:
Ever tried planking? I've heard good things about it, and I've recently started doing it. I'll plank for as long as possible while I watch Netflix or TV on my down time. I can feel that shit working in my arms and my stomach. It's a real nice burn that lets me know it's effective. As for my legs, I just wear weights throughout my daily routine. I don't run, that would fuck my joints, but I do a lot of manual labor jobs and a lot of times I'll do charity work with a friend, so I'm always on the move. Weights to fight against really help me stay in shape, but I think I need to put more protein in my diet before I actually start buffing out. Not sure.

I'm actually gonna start planking as well.But for now I'm on this site because I haven't dealt with my "needs" in over a week.
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