03/08/15 05:53PM
*Transforming himself into a female Ninja name Fuji, walking into the Arena wondering what goes on here* "Hmm, it seems this place has a lot of well rounded opponents, hope to meet a strong rounded person" (not many female characters, so why the hell not Ninja can turn into a female so YoLo)
03/08/15 06:05PM
Ecchi_Nicky said:
*Transforming himself into a female Ninja name Fuji, walking into the Arena wondering what goes on here* "Hmm, it seems this place has a lot of well rounded opponents, hope to meet a strong rounded person" (not many female characters, so why the hell not Ninja can turn into a female so YoLo)
(One thing nicky it said no magic in the arena. In other words no ninja techniques. I guess changing into a female isnt a problem though xD.)
03/08/15 06:08PM
HornyPansexualMale said:
Ecchi_Nicky said:
*Transforming himself into a female Ninja name Fuji, walking into the Arena wondering what goes on here* "Hmm, it seems this place has a lot of well rounded opponents, hope to meet a strong rounded person" (not many female characters, so why the hell not Ninja can turn into a female so YoLo)
(One thing nicky it said no magic in the arena. In other words no ninja techniques. I guess changing into a female isnt a problem though xD.)
(Bull but Magic must defeat Magic, and alright understandable.)
03/08/15 06:41PM
*After seeing a fight end with cum dripping out of one of the fight's ass. I see an open seat in the fount row, and I get up and move to get a seat closer to the arena.*
03/08/15 06:45PM
-The man finally attached his arm and redressed himself standing at the ready for another battle.- Who else will face me in combat.
03/10/15 06:41AM
A man who looks like a racer, only wearing his fighter gloves, with a 6 pack you can cook eggs on. Wearing a helmet, and has been known as the greatest racer in the world. Arrive at the Arena, wondering who will dear Challenge the famous the fastest. Rando Valor. "Greeting Arena from down under, who wants to challenge the world greatest fighter?"
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