04/23/24 10:06AM
Its hard as fuck to handle being depressed and I've had so many people tell me they know how it feels and everything. When what they're talking about is just feeling down. They don't lay around in bed wasting away, they don't masturbate all day long or don't even bother to get out of bed to change clothes, brush teeth, or shower.

And at the end of the day, the people who say they know end up yelling at you for not changing or doing anything. Life is hard.

You have to fight harder. It's a struggle and sometimes you feel like all you can do is lose, but you need to set your sights lower. Don't worry about it all. Just focus on something small like changing clothes more, getting sunlight, or taking a shower more often.

I've been struggling hard to kick a porn addiction I've had for years, but I'm gonna keep trying and I hope you all will keep trying to do better too if you're struggling. All we can do is push, if the people around you don't get you and your struggles. It doesn't mean they hate you or blame you or that they don't want to help.

Peace, a depressed masturbation addict.
04/23/24 10:07AM
04/23/24 10:13AM
Depression isn't real. Just go Jim.
04/23/24 10:14AM
Honestly why did you think we'd care
04/23/24 10:15AM
Womp womp
04/23/24 10:17AM
ExistentTS said:
You all are assholes

Nah. I just don't care for "I'm so depressed, please look at me, I'm gonna make my entire account to say how depressed I am" mfs
04/23/24 10:19AM
Yeah and I'm only 19 and the primary breadwinner of a house of five, literally having to sell my body to get by, all while living in a shifty home in a shitty neighbourhood with no real friends irl

But hey we can't all have nice things can we
04/23/24 10:19AM
ExistentTS said:
You all are assholes

You made one account to vent and the other one to defend from the mean comments? Wow, just wow
04/23/24 10:23AM
This is why I don't vent about mine. It doesn't help and no one cares.
04/23/24 10:25AM
Look what you've done. You've made the queen of "hey, my life is the worst. Worse than yours" loop/comment. Good job
04/23/24 10:28AM
Druggy said:
Look what you've done. You've made the queen of "hey, my life is the worst. Worse than yours" loop/comment. Good job

Lol I'm honoured honestly to be the queen of anything
04/23/24 10:29AM
ExistentTS said:
TacticalCumIncoming said:
ExistentTS said:
You all are assholes

You made one account to vent and the other one to defend from the mean comments? Wow, just wow

What the hell are you talking about?

This account and the one that posted this were created the same day lol i just noticed that too
04/23/24 10:32AM
04/23/24 10:32AM
i'm not here to argue about this either honestly, if OP wants to vent about their life, so be it. they didn't have to make this public and could have gone out of their way to vent out in a much more healthier manner. i also don't want to fuel speculation of existent and OP of being the same person as i'm currently rping with existent right now in dms
04/23/24 10:32AM
My ass has depression too but you don't see me boasting about it, expecting people to be empathetic towards me as soon as I tell them
I fucking HATE the kinds of people that just bitch and moan about their depression and beg on their knees for some nano-sliver of empathy to a bunch of random coomers on a porn site's forum
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