02/26/24 02:47AM
Should I develop a hentai game?
Hey guys, everything okay?

Firstly, English is not my native language.
If the text is a little strange, I apologize.

Recently I've been thinking about creating a hentai-themed game.
However, whenever I looked for games with this theme, I always found games with a very high price.
something that always left me feeling discouraged, because when I look at the games, the vast majority of them don't have any kind of tricks and are super simple.
some nonsense and then some sex scenes and he ended up playing it, it doesn't even look like it's a game, just sex scenes and the end.

I've always liked playing management games, from the simplest Flash ones (good time) to the more complicated ones like city managers.
I imagine making a game with these elements, nothing too complicated but with these management mechanics.
Something to be fun to play regardless of the theme.
I also really like the mechanics of novel games, where you can walk around the environments, there are items and money.
However, I imagine this in an open world, where you actually walk around places (not going through places by clicking buttons) and find NPCs walking around.
You can see them talk to them and interact, as if they were a person walking down the street.
And it has mechanics of encounter simulators with NPCs (possible for everyone you meet within the game).
like talking to him and getting his phone number, then asking him for a walk, arranging a meeting and as affinity starts to release sexual things.
I think this sexual part of the game is a sandbox, you can release it and use it however you want.

Would there be people interested in a game with this theme?
What could the business model be like so that I can make the game available for free?
02/26/24 02:55AM
look man, if it's something you think you'll have the time and energy to do, absolutely go for it. i wouldn't personally be interested but im sure some people would. :)
02/26/24 03:04AM
It sounds like you're about to find out why games are so expensive.

If you think it would be fun and worthwhile to create this game, absolutely go for it. But this is am ambitious project, it is going to take a lot of time and effort to actually turn it into a playable game, and even more to make a game up to your own standards as a player.

It's probably not something you can do all by yourself, either. You might need to hire a voice actor or commission a musician or artist to bring the game up to your standards.

When it's done, you'll have something you worked hard on for a very long time, something you're really proud of. And some people like to share that passion for cheap or free, but others want to at least break even and will sell it for market prices.
02/26/24 04:49AM
dude, fuckin go for it. it doesnt feel like we have good ones out these days, the only one im looking forward to is mana story and thats expecting a release this year. would love to see another high quality hentai game hit steam sometime in the future
02/26/24 05:38AM
Do it. I'll voice act in it for free. Got a recording booth (I use it for rapping but could use it for this)
02/26/24 07:59AM
Hey, you should read nulnil's posts on F95zone. He's like, a super cool friend of mine and they write about the game-design aspect of porn games. I've even heard he's making a new post soon!
02/26/24 08:54AM
02/26/24 10:24AM
Watch videos talking about YandereDev and be the opposite of him lol
02/26/24 12:50PM
It sounds like it'll cost a lot. If you have the money then go for it!

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