02/05/24 11:33AM
Have y'all read any good books lately?
I'm looking for book recommendations. If y'all aren't currently reading anything, are there any previous books y'all'd recommend?

To answer my own post, I'm currently reading "Being You" by Anil Seth, a fascinating book about the etiology of consciousness.
02/05/24 03:01PM
ohhh a book i really really liked was babydoll by hollie overton!! the main antagonist was really really hateable, i think the only bad thing ab it was the love triangle (though story wise i guess it was understandable) and the ending, which felt a bit rushed. im not gonna spoil it but it could've been handled better. other than that, honestly one of my favorite thrillers ever <333
02/05/24 04:01PM
The last really good book I read was called 'The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics: Making Sense of Things.' Here is the abstract:
02/05/24 08:17PM
A few decent ones. Read a short book called "One Million Years" and it's not half bad at all. Currently reading a book called "The Vulture Lord" and it honestly seems like a curious fun read
02/05/24 08:41PM
Metro 2034 (german version) was an interesting vibe and story vs the previous book and a tad tamer story than the derailed game.

Besides that warhammer 40k "Krieg" if you love gasmask boyos and see that they are more than 1 dimensional and Gaunts Ghost´s series is great
02/06/24 08:37PM
The last really interesting non fiction books I read was Sapiens and Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari. I just really enjoyed seeing how humanity started and developed over time
02/06/24 09:01PM
I've just finished "Battle of the Fang", a Warhammer book by Chris Wraight. I really enjoyed the story, though at times, it did get a bit complicated with the sheer amount of intertwining storylines.
From memory I count at least 7 different points of view within the same story.

The story is set in the 32nd millennium and describes the events leading up to the Thousand Sons invading Fenris, the home world of the Space wolves. With almost the entire chapter being off world, hunting Magnus the Red, there is only a small part of the Space wolves army left on Fenris to make their desperate last stand in the face of an overwhelming foe.
02/06/24 09:21PM
My current favourite has got to be the scythe trilogy. It's main theme which I'm sure you could guess is... death! A world where 'death' doesn't exist, except it does but only by the hands of a scythe. Fun read for sure, would recommend.

What I'm reading now is Tales from the cafe. A much chiller and slow paced book. It's part of a quartet(?) the first being Before the coffee gets cold. Main premise, you can go back to the past bust must drink the coffee before it gets cold otherwise you're stuck :p There's a whole lot of other rules about the time traveling coffee, way too many to list down. Basically if you're feeling chill and want to read I'd recommend this, tho it does have a tinsy bit of sadness since they are travelling back to the past for a reason hint hint
02/06/24 09:54PM
MtlBat said:
My current favourite has got to be the scythe trilogy. It's main theme which I'm sure you could guess is... death! A world where 'death' doesn't exist, except it does but only by the hands of a scythe. Fun read for sure, would recommend.

What I'm reading now is Tales from the cafe. A much chiller and slow paced book. It's part of a quartet(?) the first being Before the coffee gets cold. Main premise, you can go back to the past bust must drink the coffee before it gets cold otherwise you're stuck :p There's a whole lot of other rules about the time traveling coffee, way too many to list down. Basically if you're feeling chill and want to read I'd recommend this, tho it does have a tinsy bit of sadness since they are travelling back to the past for a reason hint hint

I read Before the Coffee gets cold just a couple months ago actually. I did enjoy that. They do go forwards in time too occasionally
02/06/24 10:14PM
Name 10 books
02/06/24 10:24PM
Remarque - All Quiet on the Western Front
This is the last one I read, but the best of the last 10 or so
02/06/24 10:46PM
Volume 28 of Komi Can't Communicate.A cute little series.

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