01/23/24 12:06AM
Who's Made Friends on R34?
Exactly what the name says. Who here has met some people that you consider friends now? Personally, I've made a few, but my favourite person to chat with hasn't been online in months.
01/23/24 12:30AM
I've had a lot back then that would actually message me & talk like a normal person. But most of em got banned or just haven't come back. Ever since I came back from my few months break, now I can say I got 2 people I would consider friends that I talk to daily.
01/23/24 02:01AM
I've made a couple of friends here myself. I always enjoy talking with people from here, but I rarely get anyone who just wants to chat. It's always rp requests I usually get lol.
01/23/24 02:10AM
Totally get what you mean. I like RPing for sure but sometimes you just want to have a nice chat with someone.
01/23/24 02:13AM
I post a lot of comments that are rp like, which is what gets me a lot of those rp request. Ironically, I don't actually like to rp anymore, but I do always enjoy it when my little comment stories drum up some interest for a conversation to get going lol.
01/23/24 02:31AM
A few people, but they went infinite AFK long ago.

I miss my friends. :’)
01/23/24 02:33AM
Oh, yeah! Met some fun people from here. :>
01/23/24 03:17AM
Till now I've liked everyone I meet here, you guys are awesome.
01/23/24 03:59AM
Can't say I've made friends but definitely have had some more interesting one off conversations here. At least when it's not do requests.

01/23/24 04:06AM
So far I haven't
01/23/24 04:16AM
Not really got ghosted by most people
01/23/24 04:21AM
I've got a good few, we mostly talk on dc but they're very chill
01/23/24 04:24AM
I have a few, mostly chat on dc too haha
01/23/24 04:39AM
I did actually, a couple a few years ago and one I'm still good friends with that I still talk to today. I think I'm back cause I kinda miss it, and weird as that might sound, porn seems to be a good icebreaker.
01/23/24 04:51AM
Surprisingly I've made some friends over here. They were kinda intimidating but overall I'm just glad I met them and they inspired me in some cases.
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