01/22/24 10:09PM
New/Experienced Artists, How do you keep yourself motivated?
The point of this post is to ask any artist how they come up with ideas for pieces.

For example: A busty rosalina from mario galaxy with the lumas having a huge dick and showing it off to her. I see stuff like that and always wonder how they come up with ideas like that.

I for one try to come up with pieces and over think it then just end up feeling frustrated and taking a mental break. I just wanna make art to make people happy/horny, and not by making any money while doing it.

If it's not too much trouble, but could I have some advice? I'm still sort of an average artist but only have 2 pieces I am actually proud of, one being Mizuki from One punch man, and the other of Perona from One piece, but the others i end up cringing at the sight of them.

Please, I just need some words of encouragement.
01/22/24 11:11PM
Been drawing for years, just starting posting, I am somewhat decent, I will get better.
This is my mindset, and I'd say it is a good one to have. Every "good" artist is built by "bad" art, pieces which they know could be better; THAT is a vital part of the process.

Every time you look at a piece of yours and you think "this sucks" or "I could have done X part of it so much better" that is the single BEST thing that could happen, why? Because that means you recognize how to improve and how to actualize your desired artistic goals.

If you looked at your own art and weren't ever cringing or recognizing what could be better, then YOU would never get better either. The flaws in past pieces are the only things that will help you improve.
This also means that you need to treat your art with very little reverence, you have to disappoint yourself constantly in order to improve, you have to constantly output what you know could be better, and just keep creating.

This of course, will get exhausting, so take breaks, all skills improve with (moderate) rest, your sense of your desired art skills and style will improve over time and constant experience. Additionally, you need to create a sustainable mindset; where you can learn from your finished pieces, and you don't agonize over creating new ones.

On the topic of how to come up with ideas, either make yourself laugh, or take lots of inspiration from others. It's only plagiarism if you publish a piece which traced or heavily took from someone else work, do studies on specific traits of other artists you admire, or combine ideas from different pieces.

Overall, draw for yourself no matter what, this helps me develop my skill, and it also helps me get inspiration, after all, who knows what you like better than yourself?
01/23/24 06:26AM
If you're having trouble with ideas, I recommend trying to do a study by copying the work of someone you love. This can help with building technical skills and reducing the "cringe" factor of your art by observing and practicing techniques. In terms of getting ideas for art, think about what you want to see and draw that. Take a few ideas and try combining them and/or fleshing them out to make them more interesting. The idea of something as simple as "cute girl in a swimsuit" can be fleshed out. What kind of swimsuit would she like to wear? Does she accessorize? Where is she? Is she aware of the viewer, or is this a candid scene?

If you can't think of something yourself, you can also try taking requests from others. If you put out a call on Twitter or something (or here) you're bound to get some kind of response. Take the disappointment you feel with your work and channel it into improvement. Focus on what you want to make better and figure out how to do it. Stay strong, soldier. o7
02/01/24 03:47AM
I wanna thank you both for the advice, and I will take it and run with it since I started feeling more in the mood to draw, I've been wanting to make my own OC for a while but haven't gotten the idea down to a T yet, and maybe I'll make a post asking for suggestions/ideas, since (again) I don't wanna feel like I'm plagarizing someone's personally created character. But like I said before, thank you once again for the advice, I don't feel as self conscious about wanting to do my own work now.

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