01/15/24 09:41PM
Differences in fantasy between guys and girls
For a while I've noticed a trend, and it goes something like this:

Guys often talk about what they want to do to girls, while girls often talk about what they want done to them.

This is what I have anecdotally observed, but what do the rest of you think? Would you say this is true?
01/15/24 09:42PM
I've seen quite a few sub guys also talk about what they'd want a girl (or a boy I guess but I've only seen straight ones) to do to them.
01/15/24 09:54PM
Hello-Kitty said:
For a while I've noticed a trend, and it goes something like this:

Guys often talk about what they want to do to girls, while girls often talk about what they want done to them.

This is what I have anecdotally observed, but what do the rest of you think? Would you say this is true?

That makes sense. Generally guys are the ones that have active roles during sex, so they're the ones doing things while the girls receive. It's natural that that would translate to the forum.
01/15/24 10:09PM
From chatting and playign truenand darebwith girls, I have noticed that guys focus more on the who the girl and what they would do with them. Girls do seen to be more about the action often, they see a porn pic and want what is happening in the picture to happend to them, not so much who is doing it.
01/15/24 10:48PM
Its just a norm that the guy is the active and dominant so it’s not so surprising if that would be how fantasies or conversations go. It’s difficult getting proper and reliable information from just anecdotes though if you’d want something close to reality you’d have to look at studies. I have no idea if that’s been done tho but maybe!

Im a guy who is on the sub side of things but i frequently talk about what i want done to me and what i want to do to other guys (and sometimes girls) no matter if they’re supposed to be the dom or sub
01/15/24 10:50PM
Definitely a sub/dom thing over a woman/man thing
01/15/24 11:17PM
I'm an extremely sub guy sooooo... I often fantasize about what I'd want a girl to do to me~
01/16/24 12:14AM
I dunno! I've certainly been known to get lost in thought thinking of what I'd want to do to a man. >v>
01/16/24 02:05AM
Hmmm, I might have told someone one of my fantasies and a few other ones in different forum threads, so you probably have to search thru them one by one to find them.
01/19/24 06:16PM
It goes even further than that. Lots of women don't even like gay porn because they "can't put themselves in it". They're literally so full of themselves that they can't relate to something that doesn't have a precious little female at its focus.

This is the way it's always been in nature though. Males are the ones who have to woo, court and impregnate the females since they are ones responsible for reproduction. This is how it is across all species; men are always the courters, women are the prizes. It makes sense that it translates into humans and that's our natural order, and it'll always be that way no matter how many people think we need to "dismantle gender roles" or whatever else.
01/22/24 01:08AM
I think it's more related to if the person is imagining themselves as a sub or dom


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