01/14/24 12:37AM
How do you respond to mail?
I sometimes get mail saying how someone liked my favorites or my comment and ask to RP. I have no clue how to respond to them beacuse I have no idea how to RP. It looks fun but also I can see how it can be awkward. I end up not replying at all because I don't know what to say.
01/14/24 12:40AM
Being clear and direct is always the way to go. If you want to, affirm that and emphasize that it's your first time and you're not entirely sure how to go about it. More often than not they'll show you the ropes and you're good from there.

Otherwise, if you don't wanna do it, just politely decline and maybe include why you don't want to, whether you're just not comfortable or whatever, express it.

This obviously goes beyond RP requests and stuff. Compliments, conversation, all of it, being direct and speaking your mind (but also being civil) goes a long way I've noticed

01/14/24 12:40AM
You could just tell them you don't RP but you appreciate their support?
01/14/24 12:46AM
I just say "No." and they leave me alone.
01/14/24 12:48AM
HungWolfDom said:
I sometimes get mail saying how someone liked my favorites or my comment and ask to RP. I have no clue how to respond to them beacuse I have no idea how to RP. It looks fun but also I can see how it can be awkward. I end up not replying at all because I don't know what to say.

So far they don't write some really decent messages, even if you wanna give RP a try, believe me, just delete them, they are unable to offer you decent RP when they are unable to write decent messages.
01/14/24 01:13AM
All the time with a friendly "hi". Because why not? Nothings stopping anyone from putting on a friendly face now and then.
01/14/24 01:16AM
If the person sending me mail is actually fun to talk to and gives some effort into responding I love chatting with them! Otherwise I just politely decline their offer
01/14/24 01:56AM
After a while you get a sense of which ones aren't worth replying to...... Maybe I'm too quick to judge but often I think people struggle to realise what makes a conversation interesting. Hi! How are you! Fine thanks, then move on.... I don't know! I guess you shouldn't respond if you don't feel like doing so. But if you wanna, then keep things open-ended, that's general advice for conversation in general..... Give 'em something to latch on to and respond to! :>
01/14/24 02:02AM
Rarely has anyone ever just message about about my favorites, uploads, or RP. Most what does get sent is "work". So because it's "work" people don't wanna engage with me longer than they have to. So often it's I can't think of what to say, I forget to as handling other stuff, or doesn't matter if I do as they not gonna say much back anyways. What a great feeling when people don't wanna approach you at all unless they have to.
01/14/24 02:18AM
Im always honest and str8 forward, if they ask i just say idk how to rp and that i suck at it. I enjoy interacting with ppl tho
01/14/24 02:34AM
Well for me it's mostly on how the approach me, it's really all vibes based.

If I think they'll be an interesting person to talk with I'll usually send them a message back, typically saying hi and then something relating to their initial message. (whether they wanna RP or chat) there really is no defined way of doing, just be kind and respectful! That will get you pretty far.
01/14/24 02:38AM
Spooky.SLVT said:
Well for me it's mostly on how the approach me, it's really all vibes based.

If I think they'll be an interesting person to talk with I'll usually send them a message back, typically saying hi and then something relating to their initial message. (whether they wanna RP or chat) there really is no defined way of doing, just be kind and respectful! That will get you pretty far.

Good way to do it!

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