01/11/24 04:04AM
Is it just my fetish or is there something strangely exciting about being a hyper tank?
Tanking is basically my power fantasy in any RPG or any game that has character classes, so YouTube recommended some Konosuba shorts to me and because of Darknes I now have some submissive fantasies about my role.

I'm starting to like the idea that I'm like the simp of the game, taking hits from my teammates in exchange for them hitting me even harder after the mission, the bikini armor definitely fuels this fantasy a lot, standing up in front of my teammates while they have a perfect view of my ass and are growing an erection under their pants or getting wet is a very hot idea
01/11/24 07:52AM
Guy took 2 paragraphs just to say "I'm a masochist".
01/14/24 08:54AM
I love the idea of having a girl tank in bikini armor in my party, watching her defend me~ Especially if I'm a healer, so I can add a personal touch to my healing, tending to her wounds while I whisper how good of a job she's done for us and reward her~
01/14/24 09:01AM
I've definitely seen a lot of supports have that same fantasy, whether is being human shields for their teammates or casting buffs or heals whenever their partners tell them to.
Personally I like tanks because they tend to have stupidly strong defense and offense and carry big silly weapons, monster hunter conditioned me to love big hammers and swords, and don't get me started on the hunting horn
01/14/24 09:34AM
Yeah, both of those types are lovely to have on their team. I just need to make sure to tell them how much of a good job they're doing or 'punish' them if they're failing. Although I'm personally a switch axe person when it comes to monster hunter, though those are pretty good choices.

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