01/06/24 01:41PM
Thoughts on Cyberpunk?
The modern AAA gaming scene is plagued with faulty launches and this was probably the worst in recent memory, if not ever. Three years of updates to make this shitshow of a game even remotely playable and even then only a fraction of what they promised to us.

Don't think I'm letting the story off the hook either, cause I've actually read some of the sourcebooks for the Cyberpunk tabletop game (which is stylish, interesting and actually functional). These are the people that made the Witcher series and they can't even do a derivative product right?

Yet somehow, everyone is saying this game is awesome because Idris Elba did mocap for a DLC and they released some extended lore anime to cover their asses? Keep in mind I'm getting all this down the Youtube gaming pipeline, a notoriously cynical and nitpicky group, who are letting this game off the hook for some reason.

Personally, I think Mike Pondsmith should sue the pants off the retards at CDPR for making a mockery of his brainchild. But am I being too harsh? Let me know fellas.
01/07/24 09:31AM
Just started it and I’m about 10hrs in. Really enjoyable so far, I would definitely give this game a chance with all the fixes.
01/07/24 09:50AM
I think that CD Projekt Red were more focused on making a game than they were in telling an impactful and serious Cyberpunk story. It’s shockingly tame when compared to other cyberpunk-genre IPs, and I feel like there were a lot of ways that the world and its lore could be expanded on, as well as a lot of things that would make sense for the genre, but CDPR was too cowardly or lazy to add into the lore.

Fun game, but in terms of a cyberpunk genre telling a story of rampant crime and corporate overreach? It really falls flat.
01/07/24 10:34AM
RikoShuz said:
I think that CD Projekt Red were more focused on making a game than they were in telling an impactful and serious Cyberpunk story. It’s shockingly tame when compared to other cyberpunk-genre IPs, and I feel like there were a lot of ways that the world and its lore could be expanded on, as well as a lot of things that would make sense for the genre, but CDPR was too cowardly or lazy to add into the lore.

Fun game, but in terms of a cyberpunk genre telling a story of rampant crime and corporate overreach? It really falls flat.

It's just a real shame to look at how things turned out. The original tabletop game has such rich lore and mechanics to draw on - everything from the synthetic drugs you can get addicted to, to cybernetics giving you cyberpsychosis basically because of body dysmorphia, the gangs that get surgery to look like characters from old TV shows, or that Saburo Arasaka was the oldest person on earth when he died, having served in WWII. One of the coolest bits is how the net was completely redesigned in the early 2020s to be less graphics-intensive, which is why quick-hacking looks different from the actual net deep-dives you can do, and also changed how it works, before you had to "plug in" and be fully immersed in cyberspace, whereas now you use a kind of VR headset to see the net overlay when hacking. I think you get my point.
01/07/24 11:19AM
horse_oil_format said:
RikoShuz said:
I think that CD Projekt Red were more focused on making a game than they were in telling an impactful and serious Cyberpunk story. It’s shockingly tame when compared to other cyberpunk-genre IPs, and I feel like there were a lot of ways that the world and its lore could be expanded on, as well as a lot of things that would make sense for the genre, but CDPR was too cowardly or lazy to add into the lore.

Fun game, but in terms of a cyberpunk genre telling a story of rampant crime and corporate overreach? It really falls flat.

It's just a real shame to look at how things turned out. The original tabletop game has such rich lore and mechanics to draw on - everything from the synthetic drugs you can get addicted to, to cybernetics giving you cyberpsychosis basically because of body dysmorphia, the gangs that get surgery to look like characters from old TV shows, or that Saburo Arasaka was the oldest person on earth when he died, having served in WWII. One of the coolest bits is how the net was completely redesigned in the early 2020s to be less graphics-intensive, which is why quick-hacking looks different from the actual net deep-dives you can do, and also changed how it works, before you had to "plug in" and be fully immersed in cyberspace, whereas now you use a kind of VR headset to see the net overlay when hacking. I think you get my point.

True, but I was more referring to the look & feel of the cyberpunk dystopia the characters find themselves in, and how CDPR writes them interacting with it and the world interacting with itself. Characters tend to talk about the oppression and violence they face from corpos with all the weight and levity of an eye-rolling teenager complaining about highschool. Each one of them almost devoid of flaws and hyper-competent at their jobs, making the corpo executives and security systems all look like pussies in comparison, as well as any other opposing party they meet in their path.

Meanwhile, the corporations seemingly fail at any act of oppression that's more strenuous than stomping on puppies. All led by mustache-twirling villains that only care about hurting people rather than their bottom line - the true most important asset of any corporation. They take the least cost-effective paths to inflict the most collateral damage for no fucking reason.

Cyberpunk to me feels like a parody of the Cyberpunk genre. It's a game purely built to be fun, rather than an exploration of the true weight and technocratic horror that the cyberpunk genre is.
01/07/24 11:33AM
It's a fairly fun first-person shooter with a lackluster story and shocking little you can actually do. The side biz and gigs were usually fun, but there isn't actually all that much to keep you entertained. And the cars kinda blow as well, driving feels pretty slow even when the game is telling you that you're going over a hundred mph, that's probably my biggest gripe because it's a rather simple thing to get right when it's not the focus of the game. A couple added effects, proper sound design, it's simple stuff compared to the more important issues like the whole story doesn't feel cohesive.

So, the game's fine for a bit, get it on sale if you really want to see for yourself, look at the pretty cars, look at the big guns, and enjoy the sights.
01/10/24 10:42PM
It keeps killing my parents old computer, that's what's up
01/11/24 12:20AM
They fixed it into an enjoyable experience but it's simply far from the RPG they promised in many ways. There's still no vehicle or true weapon customization. The story/main driving force of the game was very likely rush re-written to get their money's worth out of hiring Keeanu Reeves, so they opted to make it another big continuation of Johnny, Alt, Rogue and the Arasakas' story while your main character is just sort of along for the ride. Very easy to mod though and that's really the saving grace for it. Really good gameplay and content mods especially with update 2.1 adding in a base to work with some new features and ideas.
01/11/24 12:32AM
i don't understand what everyone has against the story i thought it was great especially everything with soul killer
01/11/24 12:40AM
I completely agree with your sentiment, OP, but not with the way you delivered it. It's a video game, not a war crime. Calm down.

I played through 2077 extensively and enjoyed some aspects of it. But it is a VERY shallow and hollow experience. If you approach it as just another AAA vroom-vroom-bang-bang shoot 'em up, then you will be pleased with your time. If you're expecting anything they tried to hype it up as, then you'll be extremely disappointed.

Guess which of those two camps of players are in the majority.
01/11/24 01:04AM
"If i need your body ill FUCK IT-" -Johnny Silverhand
01/11/24 01:31AM
I personally loved both the gameplay and the story, even more after the dlc came out, though i didnt have any knowledge of the cyberpunk universe so i understand why you might be disappointed
01/11/24 02:51AM
I played for an extended amount of time before realizing the game was bugged beyond acceptable grounds.

I'd kill to play the actual Tabletop RPG. That seems fun.
01/11/24 03:39AM
Swordslasher said:
I played for an extended amount of time before realizing the game was bugged beyond acceptable grounds.

I'd kill to play the actual Tabletop RPG. That seems fun.

Yeah me too! From what I've heard it doesnt have leveling so every combat encounter is ur potential death. Thats why theres cybernetics and Trauma Team. But still, if C2077 was actually tabletop-lore accurate V woulda had to bring 30 people or smth to take on Adam Smasher. If u tried to just bust in like he did - tryin that shit in the tabletop game would have you turned to ground beef in literally 5 seconds
01/12/24 02:36PM
FemboyWoody said:
It keeps killing my parents old computer, that's what's up

Rip FW's parents computer, rest in spaghet never forget
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