01/02/24 08:07PM
I have a fetish for record scratching and DJ girls AMA
Hey, as it said in the title, I have a fetish for record scratching and DJ girls

Specifically, the record scratching comes from my Melolagnia

Melolagnia is a thing where music can make you hard
In my specific case, I get Melolagnia when I hear record scratching
Which has also lead to having a fetish for DJ girls
Is there anyone here who would wanna talk about that more in depth?

I'm open to any questions

But if you ask why I have it, or how I got it
I genuinely couldn't tell you

It was something I was born with ig
I've had it all my life, and I've acted on it for as long as I can remember

Feel free to ask whatever tho! ^^
01/02/24 08:09PM
Dj Sona comes to mind.
01/02/24 08:14PM
Oh, like the LoL character right?
01/02/24 08:15PM
NotGodOkay4 said:
Dj Sona comes to mind.

yup shes pretty good
01/02/24 08:17PM
BirbFan said:
NotGodOkay4 said:
Dj Sona comes to mind.

yup shes pretty good

Yeah, I agree
But my first DJ crush was actually Vinyl Scratch
But always the human/anthro version
I definitely don't like the horse version at all
I've seen some weird shit tho
01/02/24 08:18PM
Rockman_XXX said:
BirbFan said:
NotGodOkay4 said:
Dj Sona comes to mind.

yup shes pretty good

Yeah, I agree
But my first DJ crush was actually Vinyl Scratch
But always the human/anthro version
I definitely don't like the horse version at all
I've seen some weird shit tho

link some pics my guy
01/02/24 08:22PM
BirbFan said:
Rockman_XXX said:
BirbFan said:
NotGodOkay4 said:
Dj Sona comes to mind.

yup shes pretty good

Yeah, I agree
But my first DJ crush was actually Vinyl Scratch
But always the human/anthro version
I definitely don't like the horse version at all
I've seen some weird shit tho

link some pics my guy

How do I do that exactly?
I don't use the forums much, so I dunno what to do
The link button does nothing
But I can give you some stuff to work with on e621
fav:Mega_Man_XXX vinyl_scratch_(mlp)
You'll be able to see all the stuff of Vinyl I saved over there, I know I'm no actual hentai aficionado, but I'd say I know quality when I see it, and tend to have higher standards of what I save
01/02/24 08:24PM
very simple
just take a link and post it in here
01/02/24 08:26PM
BirbFan said:
very simple
just take a link and post it in here

Makes sense
I have a lot of favorites on here
So if there is a way to search through them
That would help
I guess I'll link my e621 saves for now
01/02/24 08:28PM
dang thats some good taste
01/02/24 08:31PM
BirbFan said:
dang thats some good taste

Thanks man ^^
I have this one from my favorites here
Feel free to take a look around my favorites here, ax well
I feel like we may have similar tastes
But just be aware
I have...a lot saved
Over 100 pages
I, may...or may not do this fairly often, lmao
But feel free to tell me anything that catches your eye, and we can discuss things further
01/02/24 08:32PM
well you can always shoot me a dm with pics that you liked and we can chat a bit :3
01/02/24 08:34PM
BirbFan said:
well you can always shoot me a dm with pics that you liked and we can chat a bit :3

How abt Skype
I can't use Discord for reasons I'd rather not get into here
But if you'd rather, we could use Twitter instead
I'm personally trying to shift away from Twitter, but I don't really know where to go
I hope to meet a partner someday, but I obv can't use discord to find one
Do you know any good Discord alternatives?
01/02/24 08:36PM
tbh with people on here i try to keep it on here...
01/02/24 08:38PM
BirbFan said:
tbh with people on here i try to keep it on here...

That's a fair stance to have
I just personally prefer more active/live forms of chat where I don't have to refresh the page every few seconds to check if I got any new messages
But I'll respect your decision and send something in your DMs
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